Hello to you all. My goodness – I have been watching the Weather Channel covering the exceptionally cold weather for those folk who live in the American east, their Midwest and their northern plains. There was one place today that was going to have a wind chill of -52 degrees. Wow, you would need every bit of warm clothing you have and lots of layers of clothing to cope with this kind of a temperature. As the good folk on the Weather Channel said, it is too dangerous to be out in this weather for long and not to go if you don’t have to. In Europe it looks just as bad especially in England which looked like a total whiteout. I got caught in a whiteout once while I was driving a visitor to the airport in Colorado Springs (USA). It came on really quickly and was quite scary. Fortunately for us we were close to the turnoff for the airport and coasted quietly behind another car going to the airport. I worry about the folk who live on the streets – it cannot be easy to deal with. I bless the fact that I have a roof over my head, a kind husband and some crazy cats to keep me company on these cold nights. I like to put a big saucepan (kettle) on the stove and have on-going soup available to eat in this weather. I generally start with water of course and from there I put in all sorts of things. It is a nice change from coffee and tea etc. to have a mug or cup of soup broth. I have a small container on the kitchen bench where I try to put little leftover bits so I can throw them out for the little birds who brave the winter winds and snow. When we move to a new state soon (a very snowy one!) right near the Canadian border, I am going to try and get an old card table and put it outside and then get some cheap wild bird seed and suet so the little birds have food. When we lived in Illinois (USA) we used to do this and we got a pair of cardinals coming regularly to feed. I so love the cardinals. The male with his very bright red feathers looks truly wonderful against a snowy background. One thing that bothers me when I look at all this icy, snowy weather is the way that only the minority of drivers seem to take things carefully. Why is it that drivers still tend to go way too fast when the road police and weather folk are all telling them to slow down? One would think that sensibility would set in but judging by all the accidents and videos of cars spinning out etc. that we are seeing on the news, a lot of drivers don’t seem to be learning any lessons. Well that’s it for me for today. Take care and keep safe, well and cosy and warm, wherever you are.
If you would like to chat with me, please feel free to do so. I love to hear from folk around the world. It’s a great planet. Let’s look after it and learn about each other.
Cheers, Kate.
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