It is useful to keep a copy of the Simple Combat Template. This makes it possible to copy and paste the basics of your bit of 'paperwork', add however many ships you may need to, and change or insert ship names. Here is a very basic template (there are more in the files):
IKS rolls: o/d
USS rolls: o/d
IKS damage /15
USS damage /15
The first section is for points rolled (1d6 result times the appropriate multiplier), and how the points are allocated (offense/defense). The second "Result" section shows the calculated damage. In the case of basic AI ships, the damage potential is 15.. so you would indicate 5 points damage with 5/15. Pretty simple.
If you are playing a single player game, roll a 1d6 to see who 'wins the toss'. If you roll a 1-3, you do. Then you roll the 1d6 for your opponent first. Allocate available points according to this multiplier chart:
2 (DS) Defense Sat/(FR)Freighter X1
3 (FF) Frigate X4
4 (DD) DestroyerX6
5 (CL) Light Cruiser X8
6 (CA) Heavy Cruiser X10
7 (CC) Command Cruiser X12
8 (HCA) Heavy Battlecruiser X15
9 (DN) Dreadnought X20
10 (BB) Battleship X22
11 (CV)Carrier X25
12 (STB ) Starbase/ (BS)Base Station X50/75 (reroll, 50/50)
Here is an example of simple combat between the Klingon heavy cruiser Perseus and the Sha'kurian heavy cruiser Count: In this case, I won the toss, playing as the Perseus. That meant that the 'AI' Sha'kurian ship had to allocate first. (The point of all this 'coin tossing' is to add randomness to the gameplay in the single player game. It puts the luxury of being able to react to your opponent's first move on a totally random footing. And of course, whoever rolled second first time rolls first the next. Compare it to the coin toss to determine who receives the kickoff in a football game ) That roll was a 6 (on a 1d6), for 60 points. Considering that there were several other engagements going on at the same time, I decided to play it safe, putting it all on defense. Lucky for the Klingon ship Perseus, because that ship only rolled a 1.
IKS Perseus rolls:10 0o/10d
SRS Count rolls:60 0o/60d
IKS Perseus damage 0/25
SRS Count damage 0/15
For the next volley, the Klingon ship took its turn rolling first. It rolled a "3", for 30 points, and put them all on defense. It didn't save him, because the Count rolled a 6.
IKS Perseus rolls:30 0o/30d
SRS Count rolls:60 60o/d
IKS Perseus destroyed
SRS Count damage 0/15
You'll note that the Perseus is able to take 25 points of damage. That is because all of my play has given me a "Legendary" rating. The increased available points is one of the benefits of that. For details, see "Experience Points: How to Get Them and What They Get You". If you want to take it a step further, you can capture ships using Simple Combat. You have to cause 10 points of damage to lower the enemy shields, then transport over. Ah, but to so that you have to lower your own shields. Do that by giving yourself (just for the 'transport' volley) 10 points damage. A bit tricky, with careful timing involved, but a great tactic. And of course, as new races are added to Fantasy Trek, there will be a few necessary variations to these rules (i.e. Tholian Webs).
So what to do with all of this? As I said, the Simple Combat Game is ideal for extended scenarios involving many ships in combat. For example, Head to Head Sector Assault was written with Simple Combat in mind:
The goal is to conquer and hold all 5 systems.
In order to do this, you must conquer (in order, 1 through 5), and sufficiently defend all systems while denying your enemy access to those same systems. Reduce the enemy fleet sufficiently to prevent them from building a shipyard, and stop/destroy enough enemy convoys to deny random reinforcements sufficient to threaten your shipyards. You must also attain a minimum of 13 points (see 'Victory Conditions' below)
System Conquest:
Regardless of whether a system has been taken by enemy forces, you will face a random-sized enemy fleet upon first arrival in a new system. Roll 1d6 for size of enemy fleet, then subtract any applicable random fleet disadvantage (see below). If the size of the enemy fleet is less than the random fleet disadvantage, then there is no contact. Then use appropriate simple combat template. All surviving ships retain damage but can move and fight until destroyed. They can only be repaired by remaining in place for two turns (subject to random enemy attack each turn-50% chance of random attack. 1d6:1-3=no contact. 4-6=attacked) or by docking at shipyard for one turn (subject to random enemy attack, same odds as above). The system remains yours once you've defeated the initial fleet, but if left undefended, any attempt to conquer it will only be countered by a randomly generated fleet. You can (and should) choose to leave any combination of ships and/or a shipyard to defend it.
Open Space:
Enemy convoys will only be encountered in open spaces. Roll for encounter (1d6:1-3=contact). Then roll 1d6 for enemy escorts. 1-3= 1 CA escort. 4-6= 2 CA escorts. The random fleet disadvantage does not affect this. Random enemy convoy(s) must be stopped=at least 3/5 freighters destroyed or captured (5/15 damage and successful boarding party action), escorts destroyed or disabled (10/15 damage) in 5 volleys or less. Every convoy that is stopped decreases random enemy fleet size by one. This is the random fleet disadvantage. For every three freighters captured, your random fleet disadvantage is reduced by one. You will not encounter convoys in open spaces when you have conquered both adjacent systems
Shipyards are recommended. They can only be built in systems that you hold (by destroying an initial assault fleet). Three starships must remain in system or open space area for three turns to build shipyard. During each turn 50% chance of random attack. (1d6:1d6:1-3=no contact. 4-6=attack, then roll 1d6 for size of enemy fleet. If the size of the enemy fleet is less than the random fleet disadvantage, then there is no contact.) LOS (line of sight) must be maintained to use or attack shipyard. Shipyard has X75 multiplier. Shipyard can construct replacement ships in 3 turns. While your fleet can not exceed 6 ships, additional ships built at shipyards do not count against this total. They cannot fight with full-sized fleets, but can supplement diminished fleets. The same rule applies to surviving random reinforcements. Since you must have a minimum of three ships to build a shipyard, it is recommended that you build at least one shipyard and at least two reserve ships just in case of unforseen losses. A fleet reduced to two ships and no shipyard to fall back would have little chance of victory.
If you want to register as a player, notify me through a comment on the
blogsite. I recommend keeping a record of your games played, as they add up to experience points that enrich your gaming experience.
Victory Conditions/Points-
Shipyards 5 (max)
Fleet size 6 (max)
Reinforcement capacity 6 (max)
You must conquer 5 systems and attain 13+ VC points
Templates (it is recommended that you keep a master copy of these, making working copies to modify suit your needs):
Klingon fleet vs Federation Fleet
KCA IKS Kandido rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Kurry rolls: o/d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Ok'ran rolls: o/d
KCA IKS D'Han rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Glommer rolls: o/d
FCA USS Washington rolls: o/d
FCA USS Roosevelt rolls: o/d
FCA USS Cleveland rolls: o/d
FCA USS Detroit rolls: o/d
FCA USS Abraham Lincoln rolls: o/d
FCA USS Guadalcanal rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Kandido damage: /15
KCA IKS Kurry damage: /15
KCA IKS DuranQo damage: /15
KCA IKS Ok'ran damage: /15
KCA IKS D'Han damage: /15
KCA IKS Glommer damage: /15
FCA USS Washington damage: /15
FCA USS Roosevelt damage: /15
FCA USS Cleveland damage: /15
FCA USS Detroit damage: /15
FCA USS Abraham damage: /15
FCA USS Guadalcanal damage: /15
Klingon fleet versus Federation convoy with two escorts
KCA IKS Etlh rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Dk'tagh rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Bertaa rolls: o/d
KCA IKS BortaS rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Chang rolls: o/d
KCA IKS tIQ'etlh rolls: o/d
FCA USS Komack rolls: o/d
FCA USS Nogura rolls: o/d
Fr rolls: o/d
Fr2 rolls: o/d
Fr3 rolls: o/d
Fr4 rolls: o/d
Fr5 rolls: o/d
KCA IKS Etlh damage: /15
KCA IKS Dk'tagh damage: /15
KCA IKS Bertaa damage: /15
KCA IKS BortaS damage: /15
KCA IKS Chang damage: /15
KCA IKS tIQ'etlh damage: /15
FCA USS Komack damage: /15
FCA USS Nogura damage: /15
Fr1 damage: /15
Fr2 damage: /15
Fr3 damage: /15
Fr4 damage: /15
Fr5 damage: /15
Sample First Turn:
Turn 1)
System 1: FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau FCA USS Abrahms FCA USS Orci form Fed 1st Fleet (FF1). Contact: 4 KCA's *won toss. (1209.13) FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau FCA USS Abrahms FCA USS Orci vs KCA IKS D'Qu KCA IKS NaQjej KCA IKS Ej'QuD KCA IKS Qaw'lu: Klingons destroyed. No damage to FF1.
System 5: KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS DuranQo KCA IKS Ok'ran KCA IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer form Klingon 1st Fleet (KF1). Contact: 4 FCA's *won toss. (1209.13) KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS DuranQo KCA IKS Ok'ran KCA IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer vs FCA USS Washington FCA USS Roosevelt FCA USS Cleveland FCA USS Detroit: Feds destroyed. No damage to KF1.
TNG Era:
Kri'staK Sector
Ab'Qaff Battle Group
Ab'Qaff Class Klingon Heavy Command Cruiser (KCVC) IKS Ab'Qaff
General Kapact Commanding
cha'Hom System-
The IKS Ab'Qaff reports that a sample of the ancient Vulcan hull material has been transferred to a 'trusted representative' of the Vulcan High Council. It also transmitted all relevant data of a strong Romulan military presence in the sector. Having now completed its mission in the cha'Hom system, the Ab'Qaff battle group has departed for the wej'Hom system.
Games in Play:
Head to Head Sector Conquest
(Note:The end of the campaign was not a surprise. Klingon forces eventually overpowered withering Federation resistance. At the end, Klingon forces built their second shipyard to attain the required Victory Condition points. Reading over prevous notes, I see where I had allowed for losing fleet commanders to call in reinforcements. I changed my mind on that, because I thought that the law of averages would equalize any balance issue created by the advantage created by winning and losing the coin toss. I'll keep that issue in mind during the next Head to Head Sector Assault.)
Turn 38)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? Contact: 4 FCA's *won toss. (1209.29) KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary KSY Klinzai vs FCA USS Indomitable FCA USS Alpha Centauri FCA USS Cochrane FCA USS Henry Archer: FCA USS Indomitable FCA USS Alpha Centauri FCA USS Cochrane FCA USS Henry Archer destroyed. Klingons undamaged.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in open space. Search for convoy? Turn 1: no contact
Turn 39)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) in open space. Search for convoy? Turn 2: no contact
Turn 40)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? No contact.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) in open space. Search for convoy? Turn 3: no contact
Turn 41)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) in open space. Search for convoy? Turn 4: no contact
Turn 42)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? No contact.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) in open space. Search for convoy? Turn 5: no contact
Turn 43)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in open space. Search for convoy? Turn 6: Contact: Fr1-5 w/1 FCA escort. *won toss. (1209.31) FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh vs FCA USS Komack, Fr!-5: FCA USS Komack, Fr!-5 destroyed. No damage to Klingons. Federation random fleet disadvantage= -3. KF3 departs for System 2.
Turn 44)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? No contact.
System 2:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in System 2. Contact: 2 FCA's. *lost toss. (0110.01) FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh vs FCA USS Milliways FCA USS Gilliam: FCA USS Milliways FCA USS Gilliam destroyed. FCA IKS Jamestown damage 20/25. FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh. Fleet remains on station while FCA IKS Jamestown repairs.
Turn 45)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle.
System 2:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) remains on station while FCA IKS Jamestown repairs. Turn 1/2 contact? No contact.
Turn 46)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? No contact
System 2:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) remains on station while FCA IKS Jamestown repairs. Turn 2/2 contact? No contact. Fleet departs for open space.
Turn 47)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in open space. Search for convoy turn 1? Contact Fr1-5, 2 FCA's. *won toss (0110.01) FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh vs FCA USS Alderaan FCA USS Probert, Fr!-5: FCA USS Alderaan FCA USS Probert, Fr!-5 destroyed. FCA IKS Jamestown destroyed. FCA IKS Mayflower damage 14/25. FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh undamaged. Federation random fleet disadvantage= -4. KF3 (FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) remain on station for repair of FCA IKS Mayflower.
Turn 48)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? No contact.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) remain on station for repair of FCA IKS Mayflower. Turn 1/2 random attack? No contact.
Turn 49)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) remain on station for repair of FCA IKS Mayflower. Turn 2/2 random attack? Contact: 1 FCA *won toss. (0110.01) FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh vs FCA USS Martha Washington: FCA USS Martha Washington destroyed. Klingons undamaged. FCA IKS Mayflower fully repaired. Klingon fleet departs for system 1.
Turn 50)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? No contact.
System 1:
KF3 (FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in System 1. Begin construct KSY Kahless. Turn 1/3 Contact: 1 FCA *won toss. (0110.01) FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh vs FCA USS Panama City: FCA USS Panama City destroyed. Klingons undamaged.
Turn 51)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle.
System 1:
KF3 (FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) in System 1. Construct KSY Kahless. Turn 2/3 Random attack? No contact.
Turn 52)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai idle. Random attack? No contact.
System 1:
KF3 (FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) in System 1. Construct KSY Kahless. Turn 3/3 Random attack? No contact. KSY Kahless complete.
Klingons defeat Federation
Victory Conditions/Points-
Shipyards 2
Fleet size 5
Reinforcement capacity 6 (max)
5 systems conquered.
13 VC points
PvP games reported:
(0110.03) PCA AV Sitka vs KCA IKS 'etlh: Both ships destroyed
Heavy Combat: KCA IKS Etlh(A) vs KCA IKS Etlh(B)
(0110.04) KCA IKS Etlh(A) vs KCA IKS Etlh(B) (Advanced/Prototype Test)
....1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
.... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U
A) Roll [9]
A) Helm: Position/Movement[9x4,JxI /Speed2]/[Course 90x000 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields/Cloak/Tractor/Repair: [6ECM/ECCM()+retained] [Reinforce shields()+retained]Cloak[]Tractor[pts] Repair[]
A) Tactical: Target[BFWD] Target Bearing[45x45] Target Range[6] Fire weapons [FWDdisruptors(x) +FWDphotons(4x4)+AFTdisruptors(5x4)+AFTphotons(x)]
A) Auxiliary Craft: Shuttle[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [def disruptors(x)]/(Fighter[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [beam disruptors(x)+photons(x)]
B) Roll [6]
B) Helm: Position/Movement[15x8,NxG /Speed3]/[Course270/000 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields/Cloak/Tractor/Repair: [ECM/ECCM(5)+retained] [Reinforce shields()+retained]Cloak[]Tractor[pts] Repair[]
B) Tactical: Target[AFWD] Target Bearing[45x335] Target Range[6] Fire weapons [FWDdisruptors(x) +FWDphotons(4x4)+AFTdisruptors(x)+AFTphotons(x)]
B) Auxiliary Craft: Shuttle[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [def disruptors(x)]/(Fighter[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [beam disruptors(x)+photons(x)]
A) Damage:16 pts total FWD Shields 16/32
B) Damage:36 pts total FWD Shields 32/32 FWD Armor 4/4
....1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
.... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U
A) Roll [6]
A) Helm: Position/Movement[11x4,JxI /Speed2]/[Course 90x000 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields/Cloak/Tractor/Repair: [5ECM/ECCM()+retained] [Reinforce shields()+retained]Cloak[]Tractor[pts] Repair[]
A) Tactical: Target[BPort] Target Bearing[90x45] Target Range[4] Fire weapons [FWDdisruptors(4x3) +FWDphotons(x)+AFTdisruptors(x)+AFTphotons(x)]
A) Auxiliary Craft: Shuttle[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [def disruptors(x)]/(Fighter[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [beam disruptors(x)+photons(x)]
B) Roll [10]
B) Helm: Position/Movement[12x8,MxG /Speed3]/[Course270/000 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields/Cloak/Tractor/Repair: [4ECM/5ECCM()+retained] [Reinforce shields()+retained]Cloak[]Tractor[pts] Repair[]
B) Tactical: Target[ASTBD] Target Bearing[45x315] Target Range[] Fire weapons [FWDdisruptors(4x6) +FWDphotons(x)+AFTdisruptors(x)+AFTphotons(x)]
B) Auxiliary Craft: Shuttle[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [def disruptors(x)]/(Fighter[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [beam disruptors(x)+photons(x)]
A) Damage:24 pts total FWD Shields 15/32 STBD Shields 24/30
B) Damage:4 pts total FWD Shields 32/32 FWD Armor 4/4 Port Shields 4/30
....1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
.... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U
A) Roll [12]
A) Helm: Position/Movement[13x4,LxI /Speed2]/[Course 90x000 ]
A) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields/Cloak/Tractor/Repair: [3ECM/3ECCM()+retained] [Reinforce shields()+retained]Cloak[]Tractor[pts] Repair[]
A) Tactical: Target[BVENT] Target Bearing[315x45] Target Range[4] Fire weapons [FWDdisruptors(x) +FWDphotons(x)+AFTdisruptors(2x4)+AFTphotons(4x4)MicroTorp(8x2x4)]
A) Auxiliary Craft: Shuttle[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [def disruptors(x)]/(Fighter[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [beam disruptors(x)+photons(x)]
B) Roll [5]
B) Helm: Position/Movement[9x7,HxG /Speed3]/[Course315x225 ]
B) Countermeasures/Reinforce shields/Cloak/Tractor/Repair: [3ECM/ECCM()+retained] [Reinforce shields()+retained]Cloak[]Tractor[pts] Repair[]
B) Tactical: Target[AAFT] Target Bearing[135x315] Target Range[] Fire weapons [FWDdisruptors(x) +FWDphotons(x)+AFTdisruptors(1x4)+AFTphotons(6x4)MicroTorp(xx)]
B) Auxiliary Craft: Shuttle[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [def disruptors(x)]/(Fighter[ , /Speed]/[Course] Target[] Target Bearing[] Target Range[] Fire weapons [beam disruptors(x)+photons(x)]
A) Damage:25 pts total FWD Shields 15/32 STBD Shields 24/30 AFT Shields 22/22 AFT Shields 3/3
B) Damage:72 pts total FWD Shields 32/32 FWD Armor 4/4 Port Shields 4/30 (VENT Shields 32/32) (VENT Armor 4/4) (VENT Hull 4/4) (VENT Systems 10/10) Tractor 2/2 Batteries 4/4 Warp 4/4, Hanger Bay 2/2 (FWD Systems 5/5) Photon 2/2 Bridge 1/1 Sensor 1/1 Transporter 1/1 (AFT Systems 3/3) Photon 1/1 Sensor 1/1, Impulse 1/1 (STBD Systems 3/3) Docking Port 1/1 Warp Nacelle 1/1 Cloak 1/1 PORT Systems Docking Port 1/1 Warp Nacelle 1/1 Cloak 1/1 (66 total) (DORS Systems 6/20) Bridge 1/1 Computer Core 1/1 Impulse 1/1 Transporter 1/1 Disruptors(FWD) 2/4
Catastrophic Damage: 1 more system (DORS Systems) Disruptors(FWD) 3/4
KCA IKS Etlh(B) completely disabled and adrift. KCA IKS Etlh(A) disengages.
A) KLINGON CA (Etlh Class)
SHIELD GENERATORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1 IN 10 NEEDED)
DORSAL SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
VENTRAL SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
PORT SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
FORE SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Fore 1 2 3 4
Port 1 2 3 4
Starboard 1 2 3 4
Dorsal 1 2 3 4
Ventral 1 2 3 4
Fore 1 2 3 4
Aft 1 2
Port 1 2 3 4
Starboard 1 2 3 4
Dorsal 1 2 3 4
Ventral 1 2 3 4
Control Capable:
CCS/ATC (Command & Control Systems/Auxiliary Tactical Control)
Bridge (DORS, FWD)1
Fire Control (FWD) 1 2
(CR)Computer Core (DORS, FWD) 1*
Engineering (DORS) 1 2 3 4
Photon Torpedoes (FWD) 1 2 (AFT) 1 (DOR) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(CR) Sensors (FWD) 1 *
Tractors (VENT)1 2
Disruptors (DOR)(FWD) 1 2 3 4 (DOR)(AFT) 1 2 3 4
Hanger Bay (VENT) 1 2
Transporter (FWD) 1
(CR) Batteries (VENT)1 2 3 4*
(CR) Warp (VENT)1 2 3 4*
Warp Nacelles (PORT) 1 2 (STBD) 1 2 (AFT) 1 2
*Control Requisite (CR): Sensors/Computer Core/Power or Aux Power(1 battery per turn)
Internal Damage Chart
Roll 1 dice
If you roll a number for a system that is already destroyed, you roll again.
(Roll) Result
DORS:(1)Bridge 1, (2)Computer Core 1, (3)Impulse 1, (4)Transporter 1 (5)Disruptors(FWD) 1 2 3 4 (5)Disruptors(AFT) 1 2 3 4 (6) Photons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
VENT: (1,2)Tractor 1 2, (3,4)Batteries 1 2 3 4, (5)Warp 1 2 3 4, (6)Hanger Bay 1 2
FWD: (1)Photon 1 2 (2)Bridge 1 (3,4)Sensor 1, (5,6)Transporter 1
AFT: (1,2)Photon 1, (3)Sensor 1, (4,5)Impulse 1
PORT: (1,3,5,6)Docking Port, (2)Warp Nacelle 1, (4)Cloak 1
STBD: (1,3,5,6)Docking Port, (2)Warp Nacelle 1, (4)Cloak 1
Boarding Parties: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Additional Capture Defenses: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
B) KLINGON CA (Etlh Class)
SHIELD GENERATORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1 IN 10 NEEDED)
DORSAL SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
PORT SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
STARBOARD SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
AFT SHIELDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Aft 1 2 3
Port 1 2 3 4
Starboard 1 2 3 4
Dorsal 1 2 3 4
Fore 1 2 3 4
Aft 1 2
Port 1 2 3 4
Starboard 1 2 3 4
Dorsal 1 2 3 4
Control Capable:
CCS/ATC (Command & Control Systems/Auxiliary Tactical Control)
Bridge (DORS, FWD)1
Fire Control (FWD) 1 2
(CR)Computer Core (DORS, FWD) 1*
Engineering (DORS) 1 2 3 4
Photon Torpedoes (FWD) 1 2 (AFT) 1 (DOR) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(CR) Sensors (FWD) 1 *
Tractors (VENT)1 2
Disruptors (DOR)(FWD) 1 2 3 4 (DOR)(AFT) 1 2 3 4
Hanger Bay (VENT) 1 2
Transporter (FWD) 1
(CR) Batteries (VENT)1 2 3 4*
(CR) Warp (VENT)1 2 3 4*
Warp Nacelles (PORT) 1 2 (STBD) 1 2 (AFT) 1 2
*Control Requisite (CR): Sensors/Computer Core/Power or Aux Power(1 battery per turn)
Internal Damage Chart
Roll 1 dice
If you roll a number for a system that is already destroyed, you roll again.
(Roll) Result
DORS: 4 (5)Disruptors(AFT) 1 2 3 4 (6) Photons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Boarding Parties: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Additional Capture Defenses: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Command College:
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
(TMP Era) "Enmeshed"
Discovering a mysterious and unidentified Federation starship trapped in what appears to be a Tholian interspatial gravity well, Captain Robau of the Akula Class destroyer USS Sparta moves to investigate, but is challenged by two approaching Klingon warships. Despite the fact that the Klingons are approximately ten minutes away and the danger of Tholian activity, Captain Robau has no choice but to attempt a rescue. He decides to extend scans ahead, to gather whatever information he can before arriving on the scene. As the Sparta closes to transporter range, sensors show thousands of microfractures in the hull, allowing for more detailed internal scans. He is relieved to discover no life forms aboard, simplifying the task before him.
A detailed scan of the mysterious ship reveals low-level power emanations, leading from the electro plasma system (EPS) to the tactical systems. Any residual power left in the matter/antimatter reaction assembly would still be available to any functioning tactical systems. That might give them a chance to mount a brief defence against the Klingon attack. Of course, this would require transporting crew to the ship, which is hazardous for a number of obvious reasons. Is it worth the risk?
What are your orders, Captain?
As the Klingons continue to close, they are revealed as a K'tinga Class Battlecruiser and a Levek Class Destroyer. Their weapons are charged, and they are on course to intercept the unknown ship, intent on either capturing or destroying it.
Captain Robau continues to scan the ship as he hails the two Klingon ships, ordering them to withdraw or risk war. He doesn't expect it to deter them, but instead hopes to delay them, even if only for a moment. As it turns out, the Klingons don't slow down or hesitate. In the meantime, Captain Robau transports an engineering team, along with a small tactical. While the disabled Federation ship is in no shape for extended combat operations, it dwarfs all of the other ships in the area. He can only hope that his engineering team can bring the other ship into the fight quickly enough to make a difference.
As lights start to flicker across the massive hull, two other ships appear on the scene. These are instantly recognizable as Tholian heavy cruisers. Before the captain can catch his breath, one of the Tholians has launched a web at the K'tinga. These are weapons he'd heard of but never seen, supposedly brought by extra-galactic Neo-Tholians. They were webs instantly deployable, by a single ship. Unlike the older Tholian webs that required two ships and more than hour to construct, these neo-webs were launched almost like torpedoes, encasing their victim in a globular energy field that completely disabled maneuvering and tactical functions, leaving the ship completely vulnerable for a short time, during which the Tholian could hammer away at them unopposed.
In seconds, the K'tinga was trapped and taking a beating. Captain Robau is now faced with a unique dilemma. Should he defend the Klingon, or attempt to flee the area with the mysterious ship? What are your orders, Captain?
Post your solution here for a Command College Point. Feel free to discuss this with the 'comment' feature
"Captain's Log"
"...contrary to what we had believed..."
14) Members of the crew start to act very strangely when you enter orbit.
Class J Gas Giant
Age: 2-10 billion years
Diameter: 50,000-140,000 km
Location: Cold Zone
Surface: Tenuous, comprised of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds; radiates some heat
Atmosphere: Zones vary in temperature, pressure and composition
Life forms: Hydrocarbon-based
Example: Jupiter, Saturn
(Post-TNG Era)
Captain T'leenvil
RIS D'Shoanna
D'deridex Class Warbird
It was one of those days when you question not just the current aggressive policies of the Empire towards our Vulcan forebears and their human allies, but perhaps the thousands of years that have shaped our culture. From everything we thought we knew about the Federation, we were convinced that they hemmed us in, trapped and constricted us behind our borders because they hated us and wanted us either dead or powerless. From some of the earliest encounters, (distorted now, thanks to the current Praetor's temporal escapades), we assumed that every encounter with an Earth ship was a prelude to invasion, and every encounter with a Vulcan ship an attempt to reassimilate us into their stifling, passionless society. But now, as my crew and I witness the wreckage of a Federation cruiser, we all find ourselves questioning everything that we've ever thought we've known as a culture. The USS Eisenhower, a powerful Federation starship sacrificed itself in an attempt to rescue the Romulan crew of a science ship exploring a Class J planet in the Gamma Hydra system. A system that they claim and we claim. From all indications, the Eisenhower was pulled into the planet's unstable gravitation field and was lost with all hands. All that remains is an artifical ring, composed of sparkling duranium and tritanium debris. There is no sign of our science ship, nor of lifeboats from the Eisenhower. So strangely for us, and never to be reported once we reach home, my crew and I grieve not just for the loyal Romulans on the science ship, but also for the human crew who possessed a certain greatness contrary to what we had believed them capable, and died for that quality.
for next week. write a 100+ word log entry including the phrase "... a threat we weren't prepared for...". Post it in the yahoo group or on the blogsite's "comment" feature for a Command College Point.
Dev Notes:
While I think of creating more involved Simple Combat scenarios, I am also pushing the Etlh Class through a second heavy combat drill. The sticking point is the rack of micro torp launchers along the dorsal spine. There is a danger that they make the ship too powerful. I may adjust the power requirements, so that each micro torpedo costs a full point to launch, but only does half the damage as a normal torpedo. The advantage will hopefully be balanced by the power cost. If it does, it may provide a clue as to how to deal with other heavy and/or exotic weapons. On the subject of Heavy Combat, I am experimenting with simplifying some of the notation. I like having 3D combat, but the paperwork can be a pain. So rather than having to separate maps to track, I'll just note the elevation as a number from 1 to 9. Hopefully it will speed things up. One more note: Mrs Kapact (user Kate) is working hard on designs for the Blalock Class Fast (Penetration) Cruiser, as well as a Romulan dreadnought. Thank you Mrs Kapact!
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