Meow to you, it’s me, Ginny. Well it is Sunday evening and HM is working away on the computer and the household is quiet for once. HD is at work and it is another cold night. We have been watching the big snow in the eastern United States and HM said it was a bad time to be traveling. We have traveled several times on planes and it has been okay. We even traveled overseas on a very big jet with other animals and it was a long journey and I slept most of the way. I was in a cage with my sister ShooShoo as we were very small at the time and the airline put us both in together. We stayed in a hotel in Los Angeles and they were very nice to us – they thought we were cute and HM told the hotel staff to stop spoiling us. I told you before, that we might be moving and we are. HD is transferring out of our desert home and we are going north to a place near the border with Canada. HM says it is going to be cold like the planet Hoth in the winter (she says that is from some film called Star Wars). She also said it is a very nice town and she and HD can go fishing in the rivers and lakes and we will get some fresh fish to eat. We will not move yet because with the winter coming on HM says it is too cold for us to travel and we need to be acclimatized in the spring. HD says it is going to be just fine. Grandma Carrie is now too old to fly and so we will be traveling by road. We have done this before to and HD and HM drive only a few hours a day and stay overnight somewhere and off we go again the next day. We traveled like this when we came out west. It was okay and we slept most of the way and were spoilt a lot. I like that. HM says that I am getting to be a little princess because people often come up to me and say ‘oh what a pretty kitten’. I am not a kitten but I am just a very small cat. I was born No. 6 in the litter of kittens and sometimes HM calls me No. 6. It was HD’s birthday yesterday. HM made him a lovely cake made with chocolate and peanut butter but we couldn’t have any because HM said animals are not allowed chocolate because it can make us very sick. GAD is having a dream and her legs and paws are twitching while she is sleeping. HM says she is probably chasing rabbits in her dreams. Did I tell you that GAD talks in her sleep? HM says she is the only cat she has ever known who does this. She can get quite loud when she is talking. I like GAD as she is willing to play. She used to watch over us when we were very tiny. ShooShoo has woken up and is talking up a storm to HM. We have already had our supper so I doubt if HM will give her more soft food. We have a bowl of cat biscuits out all the time and lots of water. ShooShoo likes to go around sniffing everything and HM says she has a complex. I think she is just being a cat. She wakes us up nearly every morning at about 4a.m. HM calls her our burglar alarm. ShooShoo just has a thing about the street cleaning machine. We won’t have one where we are going to live and HM says we might all get some sleep! The trouble with my sister is that she has to tell you about everything she has discovered or noises she hears at night and if we don’t answer her she goes and wakes HM who is really very patient with her. She sniffs HM’s face and once she actually sniffed up HM’s nostril. HM let out a waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh in the middle of the night and that woke all of us including HD. ShooShoo has gone back to sleep on the big bed. HM is fond of her except when she is playing rough-house with GAD. We have a cousin in Ireland and her name is Callie. She is a tabby cat and belongs to HD’s sister and her family. They phoned us for HD’s birthday and we were all happy to hear from them. Ireland is a pretty place and I know that HM would just be so happy if we made Ireland our permanent home. HD says he has had enough traveling and so has HM so maybe where we are moving to will be our forever home. Who knows – HM told me that is on the northern prairies and is full of interesting history. HM and I have a great friendship. She never minds when I crawl into the big bed at night and I like to cuddle with her she calls me her pretty little princess. I have been quite good lately and not been in too much trouble. I have left the Christmas tree alone and not played with the decorations and I haven’t chased Grandma Carrie’s tail.
I am going now to find a bed for the night. See you next time.
Meow to you from Miss Ginny.
House Abukoff
House Abukoff is dedicated to providing new and gently-used treasures at friendly prices through Abukoff Books and Curios, virtual and administrative assistance through our multi-faceted Virtual Assistance Division, entertainment and opinions through our Features, hot political commentary through Kapact's Rant, and addictive and free interactive Star Trek gaming through Fantasy Trek. House Abukoff and its divisions will not be involved in any requests that its operators consider as flouting the law, nor will they assist in matters that they consider indiscreet or objectionable. House Rules run along the firm lines of discretion, honesty, confidentiality, and good service. All features and content (unless otherwise specified) are original compositions, copyright House Abukoff.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Chatter With Kate Dec 21st 2009
Happy holidays to all of you. I have been watching the incredible snow back east and can’t help remembering when I have been stuck in airports for one reason or another. With hundreds of flights cancelled and another storm pending, the airlines and airport people and all the thousands of other folk in various cities who get called out to deal with these kinds of episodes, must be tearing their hair out! Doesn’t the weather channel do a great job of informing you about what is going on? I am a great Jim Cantore fan. He is a nice man and along with his great colleagues is informative and sensible. I was watching when some New Yorkers brought him out some coffee to help him in the cold. What a nice thing to do. It is these little things that are so important. My husband often says that it is these simple things that do so much. Our holidays this year will be quiet. $ are tight and we are moving as my husband is transferring out of our desert location to a place near the Canadian border, up on the prairies. I will be very pleased to get out of the heat as I can’t stand the 100+ days for 4 months or so during the summer. The fact that we will have very cold winters is not too much of a bother. When I lived in Canada for two years we had copious cups of hot chocolate during the long winters and lots of nice soups. I have always maintained that you can dress up for the cold but in the very hot summers it is not always easy to feel cool. In these days of air conditioners life is better I suppose. Our little home looks nice inside with the simple lights that we have. The cats have been quite good this year and havenot been too naughty with the decorations. I cannot come to terms with the politicians in Washington DC – how can you push through a bill that is 2000 pages long? I am not surprised that most of them haven’t read this supposed health bill. Who would want to read such a bill? What bothers me to is that they don’t know yet, how much it is all going to cost. We, the taxpayers, haven’t got limitless money. It is very hard for many of us to make ends meet and our grandchildren are going to be paying the debts the present Congress and President are incurring. I would like to think that they mean well and I would like to give them our budget and send them shopping to see how they get on. My husband and I are independents and I used to write a fairly light political column in my days of being a newspaper columnist. My husband writes quite a stern political rant. I think people who blog and write rants do us all a service. You may not always agree with them but they speak from their hearts, well mostly, and we get a better idea of going on from these folk than the press secretaries and other folk who do the publicity for the senate and the house. My husband says that they should have term limits put on those who go to Washington to represent us. I think he might just be right. Some of them have been there too long and get hooked into the lobbyists and then it is just a mess. I hope the holiday season is fine and safe for you good people out there. Take care of yourselves and we send many blessings to you and feel free to chat with us here at House Abukoff if you would like.
Bless you, and happy holidays and happy New Year. Kate.
Bless you, and happy holidays and happy New Year. Kate.
Kate’s Cooking: COOKING FOR ONE – Cornish Pastie

1 packet of frozen puff or shortcrust pastry – defrosted. (If you wish, you can make your own pastry)
1 large potato – cooked and diced
1 cup cooked meat – diced
1 small onion – chopped finely
1 small carrot – sliced finely
1 generous tablespoon of chopped parsley
Black pepper
(Salt is optional)
3 to 4 tablespoons gravy
Roll out pastry to about 1/8” thick and cut into rounds about the size of a saucer. Mix all other ingredients and put generous tablespoonfuls in the centre of each round of pastry. Dampen the edges of the pastry and fold over in half, and press edges together firmly and crimp the edges if you wish. Bake in a hot oven for about 20 to 30 minutes. If the pastry is looking brown reduce neat to 325F (160C, Gas 3). Eat hot or cold.
NOTE: Generally speaking, I don’t glaze pies but if you would like to, do this by using a pastry brush dipped into a beaten egg. I have sometimes made quite large Cornish pastie’s if I am using them as a main meal and they are being served with extra vegetables. Enjoy these delicious pies.
Have a safe and happy holiday season. Happy cooking to you, Kate.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fantasy Trek: Summary of Events: 1209.21
For more information, go to
Have you ever wanted a Star Trek game that took in all aspects of Trek? Strategic multi-fleet deployement in a long-term campaign. Fleet versus enemy fleet. Ship-to-ship combat. Boarding parties facing off in the heat of battle. Starships in deadly cat and mouse orbital combat. Troops on the ground defending planets from ruthless enemies. And, of course, solid story-telling that has always been at the heart of Star Trek. Fantasy Trek is all of that and more. Using your unique skills in the Trek universe, whether they are tactical or strategic combat or problem-solving and RPG story-telling, you contribute toa no-limits perpetual Star Trek universe. There is no cost, no software to install, and no minimum system requirements. Fantasy Trek is an imagination-based PBEMMORPG(Play By Email Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game) that uses maps and online documents (available at, email, simple rules, and common six-sided dice (or a random number generator, also available at
To start your tour of duty in the center seat, just answer the following questions:
Game Type:
Pure Combat
(Do you play for pure combat? You know that other events might decide the
nature of that combat, but you just want to blow things up. And think about
this: Do you like to micromanage combat, allocating power to personalize
your attack/defence strategy, making combat a personal match of wits, or do
you just like quick matches that can be over in minutes?)
(You don't care about the combat. You like to write and you want to
(You appreciate both aspects of game play. You accept that the ship you love
to write about may lose battles from time to time.)
Other (specify)
Ship name
Command crew
(You can stick to the TOS crew configuration of science officer, helm,
navigator, communications officer, etc, or you can use the TNG idea of
Operations Officer combining some duties.You can also customize your bridge
crew configuration. You're the Captain)
Note: unless you have something else in mind, all players in this stage of
the game get a Heavy Cruiser to start. The 'something else in mind' I
mentioned is if you decide you want a mission-specific ship like a scout or
police ship, which is likely to be a frigate or destroyer. Just remember
that you might be limiting yourself in a case like that. And don't be
intimidated by the need to create a command crew. If you're a story-teller,
you're used to this, but it isn't necessary to start. And if you're in it
for pure combat, the command crew is recommended but not necessary.
That is really all you need to start. I will happily walk any new players
through the first few missions. If you are concerned that you don't have
enough time to
contribute, don't be. This game is as casual as you want. Exploring takes as
much or as little time as you want. Write once a day or once a week. A
hundred words or a thousand. The most intense level of this game, heavy
combat takes a commitment of no more than one email a day. And even in that
case, if you miss a day, it's forgivable. Even the moderator has a RL and
the occasional computer issue. The game is turn-based. Combat results will
be posted online daily. And if it still doesn't make sense, think of it like
your favorite role-playing/writing group gathering for some table-top game
TNG Era:
Kri'staK Sector
Ab'Qaff Battle Group
Ab'Qaff Class Klingon Heavy Command Cruiser (KCVC) IKS Ab'Qaff
General Kapact Commanding
wa'Hom System-
The IKS Ab'Qaff and its accompanying battle group has completed its
assignment of clearing the wa'Hom system in the newly discovered Kri'staK
sector. One Romulan warbird was destroyed, and another captured. The
captured warbird was repaired and recrewed, and designated the IKS Krayak.
It established one planet bound outpost, as well as an outpost/refinery in
the system's resource-rich asteroid field. The battle group also discovered
and reported on two thousand year-old Vulcan hull fragments.
cha'Hom System-
The Ab'Qaff battle group had a similar experience in the cha'Hom system. It
encountered more Vulcan hull fragments of similar age, and signs of a highly
unstable substance known as tylium. The Ab'Qaff also witnessed the
construction of an advanced Romulan shipyard. The battle group destroyed the
shipyard while the Ab'Qaff destroyed two Romulan D'deridex Class warbirds
that were overseeing the construction. General Kapact is currently awaiting
the arrival of a Vulcan envoy to take possession of a sample of the hull
Games in Play:
"DusaQ VeS"
Mission 06: "Invasion"
Survive Combat
Assist the fleet
100+ word log
"It is said that no battle plan survives the first moments of a battle.
Sometimes, despite our efforts to gather intelligence and plan accordingly,
we are faced with a relentless, implacable enemy that lunges for our throats
even as we reach for our weapons. At that point survival depends on our
ability to strike quicker than our enemy. There is no time for planning or
careful placement of assets. Each warrior may be either the forward lunge
that strikes a mortal blow, or the weak point in our armor that relegates us
to passengers on the barge of the dead. Honored dead, but still dead. You
must be the teeth at the enemy's throat. Strike with speed and ferocity.
Especially in the case of invasion, you must attack with every resource,
stopping the enemy before they can establish a beach head. Every second that
is lost is territory and momentum lost. Strike as if your very culture
depends on it, because it does. Strike hard. Strike mercilessly. And if your
enemy finally falls back in retreat, do not allow him the luxury of
regrouping or succor. Follow him to his home, and burn it to the ground so
that it can never again give rise to invaders."
Stardate 1209.04 Command candidate Sompek, IKS tIHoy. Tal'Ihnor Gates system
As we were examining the device that the Sha'kurians were building, it
exploded. The N'taka and the captured construction ship were immediately
destroyed. There was not even any debris thrown off. In the aftermath of the
explosion, a rift opened up. While I assume that the device was meant to
open this rift, and it simply went off prematurely, there was no time for
scientific analysis. Two Sha'kurian heavy carriers started to emerge from
the rift almost immediately, Quick scans revealed five more carriers
preparing to launch from a shipyard just beyond the rift. We must destroy
these carriers and the shipyard before the five carriers can launch, or we
will certainly be lost. Once we've destroyed the shipyard, I am confident
that General Kapact will order an offensive through the rift.
We fell upon the two unprepared carriers, overwhelming them before they
could mount any serious defense.
KCVC IKS Ab'Qaff rolls:150 150(LongSword)o/d
KCA IKS Stovokor rolls:10 o/d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls:30 o/d
KCA IKS Temujin rolls:50 50(Noble Blood)o/d
KCL IKS Hammer rolls:32 32(Noble Blood)o/d
KCL IKS Capikus rolls:48 48(Noble Blood)o/d
KFF IKS tIHoy rolls: 4 4(Noble Blood)o/d
SCVC SRS Long Sword rolls:50 o/87d
SCVC SRS Noble Blood rolls:125 o/88d
IKS Ab'Qaff: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Stovokor: damage 0/25
KCA IKS DuranQo: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Temujin: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Hammer: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Capikus: damage 0/25
KFF IKS tIHoy: damage 0/25
SCVC SRS Long Sword: destroyed
SCVC SRS Noble Blood: destroyed
We then pushed through the rift, uncertain of where we were going, or if we
could return. But I felt a surge of excitement. Command, with all its
uncertainties, was starting to acquire a reality. A fine balance, like the
weight of a good bat'leth.
Then we faced the shipyard. It was an ungainly thing, with five elongated
pods around a central angular mass that bristled with weapons emplace. The
pods each held a heavy carrier, with work crews and construction craft
obviously working feverishly to complete the mammoth ships so that they
could be launched against us. As we made a coordinated approach, my tactical
officer detected weapons locks from several of the shipyard's emplacements.
Weapons locks on the tIHoy.
IKS Ab'Qaff rolls:100 100(SSY1)o/d
KCA IKS Stovokor rolls:40 o/40(tIHoy)d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls:50 o/d
KCA IKS Temujin rolls:30 o/30(tIHoy)d
KCL IKS Hammer rolls:48 o/d
KCL IKS Capikus rolls:40 o/d
KFF IKS tIHoy rolls:24 o/24d
SSY1 rolls:75 75(tIHoy)o/d
IKS Ab'Qaff: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Stovokor: damage 0/25
KCA IKS DuranQo: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Temujin: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Hammer: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Capikus: damage 0/25
KFF IKS tIHoy: damage 0/25
SSY1: destroyed
Fortunately, General Kapact detected the weapons lock and ordered me to take
evasive action. This was not, he explained afterwards, cowardice or a
selfish attempt to protect me. It was, rather, a tactical move to protect an
important part of the fleet. In any case, the tiIHoy survived the encounter,
and the enemy shipyard did not. Now we push on into the great unknown. And
Klingon Academy:
Mission 01 Exercise
Beta-Ceti system
Primary Objectives
Destroy Monitoring Station
Cripple Probe Net
Destroy USS Banting (FF)
Maintain Element of Surprise
Defend Jamming Cruiser
Secondary Objectives
Scan Probe Net
Player: Kapact (veteran)
As a student of the Klingon Defense Force's Elite Command Academy, I am one
of one hundred students taking part in a simulated war against the
Federation. We are being led by the Empire's greatest living warrior,
General Chang. It is his mission to make sure that the Empire's warship
commanders are in that position because of their ability to command rather
than their position in our society. Graduation will result in immediate
posting as a warship commander. I am eager to get started.
Cadet Kapact in the IKS QuQVeS. Our mission is to follow the jamming
cruiser in as it allows us to penetrate the Federation sensor net on their
side of the neutral zone. Once the field is jammed, we will be signalled
that it is safe to proceed. Then we will cripple the sensor net by
destroying the prime probes that control the others. We are also to destroy
the NZ-027 monitoring station. Other cadets are carrying out similar
missions along the Federation border in order to open up a wide passage for
our fleet.
The QuQVeS arrived cloaked in the Beta-Ceti system, and waited while the
jamming cruiser went to work. It was an uneasy wait, but finally we were
cleared to attack.
We began to scan the probes, one by one, until we had identified the first.
Then I ordered the rest of the field scanned so that we could identify all
six prime probes. As we were scanning the probes, we were advised that the
jamming was in place, and we were cleared to attack. At the same time, we
detected the monitoring station 8,000 kellikams to port. It was a plain,
uninspiring installation set into a asteroid. Remaining cloaked, we closed
on the station. At 5,000 kellikams, we decloaked and attacked. Possessing
limited shields and no offensive capabilities, it was not a worthy opponent.
We then began to approachthe sensor net. Once we had destroyed the first
prime probe, we detected the USS Banting, an Oberth class escort warping
into the system. We attacked immediately, focusing on the ship's impulse
IKS QuQVeS rolls:20 20o/d
USS Banting rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Banting damage 8/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:20 0o/20d
USS Banting rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Banting damage 8/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:24 24o/0d
USS Banting rolls:20 0o/20d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Banting damage 12/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:4 0o/4d
USS Banting rolls:20 20o/d
IKS QuQVeS damage 16/22
USS Banting damage 12/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:16 16o/0d
USS Banting rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS QuQVeS damage 16/22
USS Banting destroyed
The battle was more of a challenge than I anticipated, but our superior
weapons and armor eventually overwhelmed the enemy. Then it was a simple
matter of clearing out the remaining probes. Once that was finished, we
warped back to base.
Mission 02: Containment Exercise
IKS QuQVeS: B'rel, FF
Primary Objectives
Clear Regas System: USS Carver (Oberth, FF)
Clear Thaxius System USS Hernandez (Akula, DD)
Warp to Theta Omicron
Secondary Objectives
Respond to Distress Calls (Piachi System, Chuvon: B'rel Class FF vs Tian Nan
Man: Miranda, CL)
Call for Assistance (Thaxius System, IKS Yuthwl' Hech: K'Vort, DD)
Player: Kapact (Veteran), IKS QuQVeS. B'rel class frigate.
Mission 02: Containment
Primary Objectives
Clear Regas System
Clear Thaxius System
Warp to Theta Omicron
Secondary Objectives
Respond to Distress Calls
Call for Assistance
(0809.18) Command candidate Kapact, IKS QuQVeS. Regas, Thaxius, Piachi
IKS QuQVeS vs USS Carver
IKS QuQVeS rolls:28 28o/0d
USS Carver rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Carver destroyed
Our cloaked arrival in the Regas System was instrumental in clearing the
Regas system. We detected the Oberth class frigate holding station near a
satellite of unknown function. We maintained a cloaked approach, decloaking
and firing only when we were at point blank range. The Carver's shields were
down, and our initial volley penetrated their warp core. The enemy was
destroyed immediately. We then destroyed the satellite and recloaked.
Our orders took us next to theThaxius System.
0809.17 Upon arrival in the Thaxius System, we detected the Akula class
destroyer USS Hernandez at extreme range. Rather than risking defeat by a
superior ship, I requested assistance. The K'vort class destroyer IKS
Yuthwl' Hech responded, and arrived shortly. We both launched a cloaked
(0809.17) IKS QuQVeS, IKS Yuthwl' Hech vs USS Hernandez
IKS QuQVeS rolls:12 12o/d
IKS Yuthwl' Hech rolls:20 20o/d
USS Hernandez rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
IKS Yuthwl' Hech damage 0/22
USS Hernandez destroyed
As soon as the Hernandez was destroyed, we cloaked and had set course for
the Theta Omicron system when we received a distress signal from cadet
Jaghjech on the IKS Chuvon, in the Piachi system. Course was set and
executed immediately.
In the Piachi system, we found the Chuvon damaged and struggling to destroy
the USS Tian Nan Man. a Miranda class light cruiser. Fortunately for us, and
Jaghjech, the Tian Nan Man's aft shields were down, and it's hull integrity
was at fifty percent. I invited Jaghjech to join me in a cloaked attack on
the Tian Nan Man.
IKS QuQVeS rolls:16 0o/16d
IKS Chuvon rolls:24 0o/24d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:32 32o(QuQVeS)/0d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage 8/15
USS Tian Nan Man damage 9/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:8 8o/d
IKS Chuvon rolls:24 24o/d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:32 0o/32d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage 8/15
USS Tian Nan Man damage 9/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS Chuvon rolls:16 0o/16d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage 8/15
USS Tian Nan Man damage 9/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:16 0o/16d
IKS Chuvon rolls:20 0o/20d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:24 0o/24d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage /15
USS Tian Nan Man destroyed
Outgunned as we were, we were victorious after a desperate battle. Battered
but victorious, we both cloaked and set course for the Theta Omicron system.
Dev notes: For the cloaked attack, the QuQVeS gets to add 8 points post
multiplier on the first volley. Aside from that, normal rules apply. As it
turns out, a cloaked attack is no guarantee of victory. In this setting, the
victory over the Tian Nan Man took three attempts and a lot of luck. Next
time I'll have the Yuthwl' Hech join me in the Piachi system.
Mission 03: Cry Havok
Player: Kapact (veteran)
IKS qul mIwI': Insurrection, DD
Primary Objectives
Strike the MacArthur System
Strike the Nimitz System empty
Strike the Bradley System
Strike the Patton System
Rendevous in Punjab
Secondary Objectives
Call for Assistance
I am honored to have survived to achieve command of the Insurrection class
destroyer IKS qul mIwI'. My orders are to continue lightning strikes into
Federation territory, helping our forces to seem to be everywhere at the
same time. Commander Thok Mak has assigned the Pipeq and the Chuvon as my
escorts, and our targets to be the following systems:
MacArthur System
Nimitz System
Bradley System
Patton System
We will then rendevous with the fleet in the Punjab system.
During General Chang's inspiring briefing, we were reminded that it would be
foolish to attempt to take on more than we can hope to defeat. I can only
assume that just that possibility exists as we push further into Federation
Arriving cloaked in the MacArthur system, we detected two Okinawa class
frigates, apparently unaware of our arrival. I ordered the Pipeq and the
Chuvon to converge on one while I attacked the other.
(1109.29)IKS qul mIwI' vs USS FF
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:36 36o/d
USS FF rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
USS FF destroyed
(1109.29)IKS Pipeq, IKS Chuvon vs USS FF
IKS Pipeq rolls:6 6o/d
IKS Chuvon rolls:24 24o/d
USS FF rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS FF destroyed
As soon as the two frigates were destroyed, three Constitution class heavy
cruisers warped into the system. Much as I would have liked to order an
attack, I decided that it would have been foolish. As per instructions, I
contacted the fleet. We were ordered to retreat immediately and resume our
assigned patrol. With reluctance, I ordered my escorts to move out of
weapons range, then to cloak and warp out.
We arrived cloaked in the Nimitz system to find it, to our disappointment,
completely empty. Our arrival in the Bradley system was almost as
disheartening. We encountered a civilian liner, the Altair Star. While it
would have been gratifying to destroy the vessel, (and cadet Jaghjech argued
for clearance to do just that), I felt that it would be dishonorable. We
allowed it to move on unmolested. When it was out of range, we set course
for the Patton system.
Finally, there, we found a worthwhile target in a Miranda class light
cruiser that seemed to be guarding two freighters. One was a Bulldog FRT,
and the other was 6Y-6000 class. While I was confident that the Pipeq and
Chuvon could easily destroy the Miranda, I decided to take no chances. I
ordered them to join me in a cloaked attack on the light cruiser. We could
then hunt down the freighters at our leisure.
IKS qul mIwI', IKS Pipeq, IKS Chuvon vs USS Miranda
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:30 30o/d
IKS Pipeq rolls:8 8o/d
IKS Chuvon rolls:36 36o/d
USS Miranda rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS Miranda destroyed
The Miranda presented little challenge under our united assault, but the two
freighters were alerted. After a lengthy pursuit, we caught up with the
freighters and destroyed them:
(1109.29) IKS Pipeq, IKS Chuvon vs USS Bulldog FRT
IKS Pipeq rolls:12 12o/0d
IKS Chuvon rolls:6 6o/0d
USS Bulldog FRT rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS Bulldog FRT damage: 10/15
IKS Pipeq rolls:30 18o/12d
IKS Chuvon rolls:12 0o/12d
USS Bulldog FRT rolls:2 0o/2d
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS Bulldog FRT destroyed
(1109.29) IKS qul mIwI' vs USS 6Y-6000
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:12 12o/d
USS 6Y-6000 rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
USS 6Y-6000 damage: 4/15
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:36 24o/12d
USS 6Y-6000 rolls:6 0o/6d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
USS 6Y-6000 destroyed
With the joy of combat in our hearts, we recloaked and engaged warp for the
Punjab system. Mission accomplished.
Head to Head Sector Conquest (Note: This catches you up with the entire
sequence to date. Starting next week, you'll just get just the week's
Turn 1)
System 1: FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau FCA
USS Abrahms FCA USS Orci form Fed 1st Fleet (FF1). Contact: 4 KCA's *won
toss. (1209.13) FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau
KCA IKS Qaw'lu: Klingons destroyed. No damage to FF1.
System 5: KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS DuranQo KCA IKS Ok'ran KCA
IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer form Klingon 1st Fleet (KF1). Contact: 4 FCA's
*won toss. (1209.13) KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS DuranQo KCA IKS
Ok'ran KCA IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer vs FCA USS Washington FCA USS Roosevelt
FCA USS Cleveland FCA USS Detroit: Feds destroyed. No damage to KF1.
Turn 2)
System 1: FF1 begin construct FSY Desilu. FSY Desilu construct turn 1= no
System 5: KF1 begin construct KSY Klinzai. KSY Klinzai construct turn 1=
contact 5 FCA's *lost toss: (1209.13) KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS
DuranQo KCA IKS Ok'ran KCA IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer vs FCA USS Loknar FCA
USS Churchill FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman: KCA IKS
Glommer KCA IKS D'Han destroyed. FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS
Bozeman captured. FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman now
constitute KF1.
Turn 3)
System 1: FSY Desilu construct turn 2= contact: 5 KCA's *lost toss (1209.14)
FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau FCA USS Abrahms
IKS Koloth: FF1 destroyed. KCA IKS BortaS destroyed. KCA IKS Klolode damage
5/25. IKS Kor KCA IKS Kang KCA IKS Koloth undamaged.
System 5: KF1 (captured FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman)
continue construct KSY Klinzai. KSY Klinzai construct turn 2= no contact
Turn 4)
System 1:
IKS Kor KCA IKS Kang KCA IKS Koloth form KF2. Contact: 4 FCA's *won toss
(1209.14) IKS Kor KCA IKS Kang KCA IKS Koloth vs FCA USS Christopher FCA USS
Belknap FCA USS Gideon FCA USS Riverside. KCA IKS Koloth captures FCA USS
Christopher (damage 10/15). All other ships destroyed.
System 5: KF1 (captured FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman)
continue construct KSY Klinzai. KSY Klinzai construct turn 3= no contact.
KSY Klinzai complete.
Turn 5)
System 1:
FCA USS Christopher (damage 10/15) KCA IKS Koloth move to open space: repair
turn 1 contact? no contact. search for convoy? no contact
System 5: KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 1? contact: 2
FCA's KF1 (captured FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS Bozeman) remain
on station. contact? no contact
Turn 6)
System 1:
KCA IKS Koloth remain on station repair turn 2: contact? contact: 2 FCA USS
Christopher KCA IKS Koloth : (1209.16) KCA IKS Koloth FCA USS Christopher vs
FCA USS Shatner FCA USS Arizona: FCA USS Christopher KCA IKS Koloth
destroyed FCA USS Shatner damage: 10/15 FCA USS Arizona damage: 10/15
System 5: KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 1? contact: 2
FCA's *won toss: (1209.16) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA
IKS Bozeman vs FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS Justman: FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS
Justman destroyed. No damage to Klingons.
Turn 7)
System 1:
FCA USS Shatner damage: 10/15 FCA USS Arizona damage: 10/15 remain on
station. Repair turn 1? contact: 1 KCA *won toss. (1209.16) FCA USS Shatner
FCA USS Arizona vs KCA IKS Tong Ve: All ships destroyed.
System 5: KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 1? contact: 2
FCA's *won toss: (1209.16) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA
IKS Bozeman vs FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS Justman: FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS
Justman destroyed. No damage to Klingons.
Turn 8)
System 5: KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 2? contact: 2 FCA's
*lost toss: (1209.17) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS
Bozeman vs FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola: FCA IKS Hornet
destroyed. FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola destroyed. FCA IKS
Entebbe FCA IKS Bozeman undamaged.
Turn 9)
System 5: KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 2? contact: 2 FCA's
*lost toss: (1209.17) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS
Bozeman vs FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola: FCA IKS Hornet
destroyed. FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola destroyed. FCA IKS
Entebbe FCA IKS Bozeman undamaged.
Turn 10)
System 5: KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 3? contact: 5 FCA's
*lost toss: (1209.17) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS
Bozeman vs FCA USS Bismark FCA USS Richmond FCA USS Roanoke FCA USS
Alexandria FCA USS Columbia: KSY Klinzai no damage all other ships
destroyed. KCA IKS Sompek complete
Turn 11)
System 5: KCA IKS Sompek on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Qor'Du
turn 1? contact: no contact
Turn 12)
System 5: KCA IKS Sompek on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Qor'Du
turn 2? contact: 6 FCA's *won toss (1209.17) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Sompek vs
FCA USS Landau FCA USS Yorktown FCA USS April FCA USS Archer FCA USS Reagan
FCA USS Missouri
Turn 13)
System 5: KCA IKS Sompek on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Qor'Du
turn 3? contact: 3 FCA's *lost toss (1209.17) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Sompek vs
FCA USS George Washington FCA USS Abraham Lincoln FCA USS John Adams: KSY
Klinzai undamaged. All other ships destroyed. KCA IKS Qor'Du complete.
Turn 14)
System 5: KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klin turn
1? no contact
Turn 15)
System 5: KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klin turn
2? no contact
Turn 16)
System 5: KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klin turn
3? contact 4 FCA's *lost toss. (1209.18) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Qur'Du vs FCA
USS Sydney FCA USS Kronomag FCA USS Akagi FCA USS Sutherland: FCA USS Sydney
FCA USS Kronomag FCA USS Akagi FCA USS Sutherland. No damage to Klingons
Turn 17)
System 5: KCA IKS Klin complete. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai
construct KCA IKS Chang turn 1? no contact.
Turn 18)
System 5: KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai
construct KCA IKS Chang turn 2? no contact.
Turn 19)
System 5: KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai
construct KCA IKS Chang turn 3? contact: 5 KCA's *won toss (1209.18) KSY
Klinzai KCA IKS Klin IKS Qur'Du vs FCA USS Adelaide FCA USS Auckland FCA USS
Wellington FCA USS Stalingrad FCA USS Larson: FCA USS Adelaide FCA USS
Auckland FCA USS Wellington FCA USS Stalingrad FCA USS Larson destroyed. No
damage to Klingons
Turn 20)
System 5: KCA IKS Chang complete. KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on
station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Korax turn 1? contact: 4 KCA's *won
toss (1209.18) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Klin IKS Qur'Du KCA IKS Chang vs FCA USS
New York FCA USS London FCA USS Ferriman FCA USS Garrovick: FCA USS New York
FCA USS London FCA USS Ferriman FCA USS Garrovick destroyed. No damage to
Turn 21)
System 5: KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du
on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Korax turn 2? no contact
Turn 22)
System 5: KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du
on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Korax turn 3? contact: 5 FCA's
*won toss. (1209.18) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Klin IKS Qur'Du KCA IKS Chang vs
FCA USS Beijing FCA USS New Orleans FCA USS Canberra FCA USS Kodiak FCA USS
Brisbane: FCA USS Beijing FCA USS New Orleans FCA USS Canberra FCA USS
Kodiak FCA USS Brisbane destroyed. No damage to Klingons
Turn 23)
System 5: KCA IKS Korax complete. KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin on
station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klug turn
1? contact: 5 FCA's
PvP games reported:
(1109.06) PCA AV Sitka vs KCA IKS 'etlh: IKS 'etlh destroyed.
(1209.15) PCA AV Sitka vs KCA IKS 'etlh: AV Sitka destroyed.
Command College:
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
(TOS Era)
The Starship Defiant was not the only Starfleet vessel to run afoul of the
Tholian Assembly. On stardate 2794.4, the Akula Class Destroyer USS Sparta
was patrolling the Klingon neutral zone when it discovered a ship that
appeared to be stuck in a gravity well. The ship was of Federation design,
roughly similar to the Akula configuration, with a saucer positioned between
two nacelles. That is where the similarities ended. This ship was easily
twice the size of the Sparta, capable, based on projections and
extrapolations from the Sparta's technical specifications, of holding at
least 800 crew. Attempts to discern hull markings for name or registration
were unsuccessful due to the tell-tale visual shimmering effect that has
come to be associated with Tholian interspatial corridors. Life reading
scans showed no definite signs, though they were unable to run detailed
scans due to unusual electromagnetic interference blanketing the area.
Repeated attempts to contact the crew or the ships onboard computer were
unsuccessful. There was little question of what needed to be done.
Mysterious or not, unidentified or not, a Federation starship is a
Federation starship. But with Klingons beginning to close on the area,
Captain Robau knows that this could, in the end, be anything but a routine
rescue/recovery mission.
The Klingons are less than ten minutes away, and register as a D7 Heavy
Cruiser, and a smaller, unidentified profile. In a pure combat sense,
Captain Robau knows that he is outmatched. He also knows that the Klingons
will either destroy the ship, or worse, take it for the technology.
What should be Captain Robau's course of action?
Post your solution here for a Command College Point. Feel free to discuss
this with the 'comment' feature
"Captain's Log"
"...all around us..."
21) The fabric of space/time begins to warp, producing chaotic results
Class L Marginal
Age: 4-10 billion years
Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km
Location: Ecosphere
Surface: Rocky and barren, little surface water
Atmosphere: Oxygen/argon, high concentration of carbon dioxide
Life forms: Limited to plant life; suitable for humanoid colonization
Example: Indri VIII
(A/OS Era)(Moderator's Note: A/OS refers to the 2009 film, Alternate
Original Series Era)
USS Ares
Roddenberry Class Explorer
Science Officer's Log
Commander Al Rashid
In the aftermath of the Narada/Red Matter detonation near the Alpha Centauri
system, we are one of a dozen science ships pressed into emergency
survey/recovery operations. While the system itself seems to be safe from
the effects of the black hole, there are dozens of worlds in the vicinity
that are suffering sometimes unstable and unpredictable consequences. The
Ares itself was assigned to what was the only class M planet in an adjacent
system, designated as Newton in the starcharts. Newton III was home to a
twelve-person observation research outpost studying localized
micro-disturbances in the space/time continuum. Those micro-disturbances are
now major disturbances, quite literally all around us, and one after-effect
has been the destabilization of the system's sun. That destabilization has
effectively changed Newton III from Class M to Class L (Marginal) with a
rocky and barren surface and extremely little surface water. The atmosphere
has suffered extreme changes, reading as primarily oxygen/argon, with a high
concentration of carbon dioxide. The science team is gone, and only very
tough plant life remains. Fortunately, it won't be difficult to reestablish
an outpost here, and they'll have plenty of work to do. The loss of this
team is a tragedy, but considering that Nero was seconds away from turning
Earth into a black hole, all of us who survived can count ourselves very
for next week. write a 100+ word log entry including the phrase
"...dangerous and unpredictable...". Post it in the yahoo group or on the
blogsite's "comment" feature for a Command College Point.
Dev Notes:
This summary represents what is almost a relaunch for the summary I found
that I was working very hard at playing/playtesting the game all week, then
working hard at essentially writing probably a thousand words of fiction
completely separate from the week's work. Now I'm using the week's work to
comprise the summary, which is in fact what should happen. And I may again
explore the concept of tying game play in to the Command College. And of
course, I've written a very short and simple "Captain's Log" set in the 2009
movie A/OS Alternate Original Series Era.
Have you ever wanted a Star Trek game that took in all aspects of Trek? Strategic multi-fleet deployement in a long-term campaign. Fleet versus enemy fleet. Ship-to-ship combat. Boarding parties facing off in the heat of battle. Starships in deadly cat and mouse orbital combat. Troops on the ground defending planets from ruthless enemies. And, of course, solid story-telling that has always been at the heart of Star Trek. Fantasy Trek is all of that and more. Using your unique skills in the Trek universe, whether they are tactical or strategic combat or problem-solving and RPG story-telling, you contribute toa no-limits perpetual Star Trek universe. There is no cost, no software to install, and no minimum system requirements. Fantasy Trek is an imagination-based PBEMMORPG(Play By Email Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game) that uses maps and online documents (available at, email, simple rules, and common six-sided dice (or a random number generator, also available at
To start your tour of duty in the center seat, just answer the following questions:
Game Type:
Pure Combat
(Do you play for pure combat? You know that other events might decide the
nature of that combat, but you just want to blow things up. And think about
this: Do you like to micromanage combat, allocating power to personalize
your attack/defence strategy, making combat a personal match of wits, or do
you just like quick matches that can be over in minutes?)
(You don't care about the combat. You like to write and you want to
(You appreciate both aspects of game play. You accept that the ship you love
to write about may lose battles from time to time.)
Other (specify)
Ship name
Command crew
(You can stick to the TOS crew configuration of science officer, helm,
navigator, communications officer, etc, or you can use the TNG idea of
Operations Officer combining some duties.You can also customize your bridge
crew configuration. You're the Captain)
Note: unless you have something else in mind, all players in this stage of
the game get a Heavy Cruiser to start. The 'something else in mind' I
mentioned is if you decide you want a mission-specific ship like a scout or
police ship, which is likely to be a frigate or destroyer. Just remember
that you might be limiting yourself in a case like that. And don't be
intimidated by the need to create a command crew. If you're a story-teller,
you're used to this, but it isn't necessary to start. And if you're in it
for pure combat, the command crew is recommended but not necessary.
That is really all you need to start. I will happily walk any new players
through the first few missions. If you are concerned that you don't have
enough time to
contribute, don't be. This game is as casual as you want. Exploring takes as
much or as little time as you want. Write once a day or once a week. A
hundred words or a thousand. The most intense level of this game, heavy
combat takes a commitment of no more than one email a day. And even in that
case, if you miss a day, it's forgivable. Even the moderator has a RL and
the occasional computer issue. The game is turn-based. Combat results will
be posted online daily. And if it still doesn't make sense, think of it like
your favorite role-playing/writing group gathering for some table-top game
TNG Era:
Kri'staK Sector
Ab'Qaff Battle Group
Ab'Qaff Class Klingon Heavy Command Cruiser (KCVC) IKS Ab'Qaff
General Kapact Commanding
wa'Hom System-
The IKS Ab'Qaff and its accompanying battle group has completed its
assignment of clearing the wa'Hom system in the newly discovered Kri'staK
sector. One Romulan warbird was destroyed, and another captured. The
captured warbird was repaired and recrewed, and designated the IKS Krayak.
It established one planet bound outpost, as well as an outpost/refinery in
the system's resource-rich asteroid field. The battle group also discovered
and reported on two thousand year-old Vulcan hull fragments.
cha'Hom System-
The Ab'Qaff battle group had a similar experience in the cha'Hom system. It
encountered more Vulcan hull fragments of similar age, and signs of a highly
unstable substance known as tylium. The Ab'Qaff also witnessed the
construction of an advanced Romulan shipyard. The battle group destroyed the
shipyard while the Ab'Qaff destroyed two Romulan D'deridex Class warbirds
that were overseeing the construction. General Kapact is currently awaiting
the arrival of a Vulcan envoy to take possession of a sample of the hull
Games in Play:
"DusaQ VeS"
Mission 06: "Invasion"
Survive Combat
Assist the fleet
100+ word log
"It is said that no battle plan survives the first moments of a battle.
Sometimes, despite our efforts to gather intelligence and plan accordingly,
we are faced with a relentless, implacable enemy that lunges for our throats
even as we reach for our weapons. At that point survival depends on our
ability to strike quicker than our enemy. There is no time for planning or
careful placement of assets. Each warrior may be either the forward lunge
that strikes a mortal blow, or the weak point in our armor that relegates us
to passengers on the barge of the dead. Honored dead, but still dead. You
must be the teeth at the enemy's throat. Strike with speed and ferocity.
Especially in the case of invasion, you must attack with every resource,
stopping the enemy before they can establish a beach head. Every second that
is lost is territory and momentum lost. Strike as if your very culture
depends on it, because it does. Strike hard. Strike mercilessly. And if your
enemy finally falls back in retreat, do not allow him the luxury of
regrouping or succor. Follow him to his home, and burn it to the ground so
that it can never again give rise to invaders."
Stardate 1209.04 Command candidate Sompek, IKS tIHoy. Tal'Ihnor Gates system
As we were examining the device that the Sha'kurians were building, it
exploded. The N'taka and the captured construction ship were immediately
destroyed. There was not even any debris thrown off. In the aftermath of the
explosion, a rift opened up. While I assume that the device was meant to
open this rift, and it simply went off prematurely, there was no time for
scientific analysis. Two Sha'kurian heavy carriers started to emerge from
the rift almost immediately, Quick scans revealed five more carriers
preparing to launch from a shipyard just beyond the rift. We must destroy
these carriers and the shipyard before the five carriers can launch, or we
will certainly be lost. Once we've destroyed the shipyard, I am confident
that General Kapact will order an offensive through the rift.
We fell upon the two unprepared carriers, overwhelming them before they
could mount any serious defense.
KCVC IKS Ab'Qaff rolls:150 150(LongSword)o/d
KCA IKS Stovokor rolls:10 o/d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls:30 o/d
KCA IKS Temujin rolls:50 50(Noble Blood)o/d
KCL IKS Hammer rolls:32 32(Noble Blood)o/d
KCL IKS Capikus rolls:48 48(Noble Blood)o/d
KFF IKS tIHoy rolls: 4 4(Noble Blood)o/d
SCVC SRS Long Sword rolls:50 o/87d
SCVC SRS Noble Blood rolls:125 o/88d
IKS Ab'Qaff: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Stovokor: damage 0/25
KCA IKS DuranQo: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Temujin: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Hammer: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Capikus: damage 0/25
KFF IKS tIHoy: damage 0/25
SCVC SRS Long Sword: destroyed
SCVC SRS Noble Blood: destroyed
We then pushed through the rift, uncertain of where we were going, or if we
could return. But I felt a surge of excitement. Command, with all its
uncertainties, was starting to acquire a reality. A fine balance, like the
weight of a good bat'leth.
Then we faced the shipyard. It was an ungainly thing, with five elongated
pods around a central angular mass that bristled with weapons emplace. The
pods each held a heavy carrier, with work crews and construction craft
obviously working feverishly to complete the mammoth ships so that they
could be launched against us. As we made a coordinated approach, my tactical
officer detected weapons locks from several of the shipyard's emplacements.
Weapons locks on the tIHoy.
IKS Ab'Qaff rolls:100 100(SSY1)o/d
KCA IKS Stovokor rolls:40 o/40(tIHoy)d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls:50 o/d
KCA IKS Temujin rolls:30 o/30(tIHoy)d
KCL IKS Hammer rolls:48 o/d
KCL IKS Capikus rolls:40 o/d
KFF IKS tIHoy rolls:24 o/24d
SSY1 rolls:75 75(tIHoy)o/d
IKS Ab'Qaff: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Stovokor: damage 0/25
KCA IKS DuranQo: damage 0/25
KCA IKS Temujin: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Hammer: damage 0/25
KCL IKS Capikus: damage 0/25
KFF IKS tIHoy: damage 0/25
SSY1: destroyed
Fortunately, General Kapact detected the weapons lock and ordered me to take
evasive action. This was not, he explained afterwards, cowardice or a
selfish attempt to protect me. It was, rather, a tactical move to protect an
important part of the fleet. In any case, the tiIHoy survived the encounter,
and the enemy shipyard did not. Now we push on into the great unknown. And
Klingon Academy:
Mission 01 Exercise
Beta-Ceti system
Primary Objectives
Destroy Monitoring Station
Cripple Probe Net
Destroy USS Banting (FF)
Maintain Element of Surprise
Defend Jamming Cruiser
Secondary Objectives
Scan Probe Net
Player: Kapact (veteran)
As a student of the Klingon Defense Force's Elite Command Academy, I am one
of one hundred students taking part in a simulated war against the
Federation. We are being led by the Empire's greatest living warrior,
General Chang. It is his mission to make sure that the Empire's warship
commanders are in that position because of their ability to command rather
than their position in our society. Graduation will result in immediate
posting as a warship commander. I am eager to get started.
Cadet Kapact in the IKS QuQVeS. Our mission is to follow the jamming
cruiser in as it allows us to penetrate the Federation sensor net on their
side of the neutral zone. Once the field is jammed, we will be signalled
that it is safe to proceed. Then we will cripple the sensor net by
destroying the prime probes that control the others. We are also to destroy
the NZ-027 monitoring station. Other cadets are carrying out similar
missions along the Federation border in order to open up a wide passage for
our fleet.
The QuQVeS arrived cloaked in the Beta-Ceti system, and waited while the
jamming cruiser went to work. It was an uneasy wait, but finally we were
cleared to attack.
We began to scan the probes, one by one, until we had identified the first.
Then I ordered the rest of the field scanned so that we could identify all
six prime probes. As we were scanning the probes, we were advised that the
jamming was in place, and we were cleared to attack. At the same time, we
detected the monitoring station 8,000 kellikams to port. It was a plain,
uninspiring installation set into a asteroid. Remaining cloaked, we closed
on the station. At 5,000 kellikams, we decloaked and attacked. Possessing
limited shields and no offensive capabilities, it was not a worthy opponent.
We then began to approachthe sensor net. Once we had destroyed the first
prime probe, we detected the USS Banting, an Oberth class escort warping
into the system. We attacked immediately, focusing on the ship's impulse
IKS QuQVeS rolls:20 20o/d
USS Banting rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Banting damage 8/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:20 0o/20d
USS Banting rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Banting damage 8/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:24 24o/0d
USS Banting rolls:20 0o/20d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Banting damage 12/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:4 0o/4d
USS Banting rolls:20 20o/d
IKS QuQVeS damage 16/22
USS Banting damage 12/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:16 16o/0d
USS Banting rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS QuQVeS damage 16/22
USS Banting destroyed
The battle was more of a challenge than I anticipated, but our superior
weapons and armor eventually overwhelmed the enemy. Then it was a simple
matter of clearing out the remaining probes. Once that was finished, we
warped back to base.
Mission 02: Containment Exercise
IKS QuQVeS: B'rel, FF
Primary Objectives
Clear Regas System: USS Carver (Oberth, FF)
Clear Thaxius System USS Hernandez (Akula, DD)
Warp to Theta Omicron
Secondary Objectives
Respond to Distress Calls (Piachi System, Chuvon: B'rel Class FF vs Tian Nan
Man: Miranda, CL)
Call for Assistance (Thaxius System, IKS Yuthwl' Hech: K'Vort, DD)
Player: Kapact (Veteran), IKS QuQVeS. B'rel class frigate.
Mission 02: Containment
Primary Objectives
Clear Regas System
Clear Thaxius System
Warp to Theta Omicron
Secondary Objectives
Respond to Distress Calls
Call for Assistance
(0809.18) Command candidate Kapact, IKS QuQVeS. Regas, Thaxius, Piachi
IKS QuQVeS vs USS Carver
IKS QuQVeS rolls:28 28o/0d
USS Carver rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
USS Carver destroyed
Our cloaked arrival in the Regas System was instrumental in clearing the
Regas system. We detected the Oberth class frigate holding station near a
satellite of unknown function. We maintained a cloaked approach, decloaking
and firing only when we were at point blank range. The Carver's shields were
down, and our initial volley penetrated their warp core. The enemy was
destroyed immediately. We then destroyed the satellite and recloaked.
Our orders took us next to theThaxius System.
0809.17 Upon arrival in the Thaxius System, we detected the Akula class
destroyer USS Hernandez at extreme range. Rather than risking defeat by a
superior ship, I requested assistance. The K'vort class destroyer IKS
Yuthwl' Hech responded, and arrived shortly. We both launched a cloaked
(0809.17) IKS QuQVeS, IKS Yuthwl' Hech vs USS Hernandez
IKS QuQVeS rolls:12 12o/d
IKS Yuthwl' Hech rolls:20 20o/d
USS Hernandez rolls:12 0o/12d
IKS QuQVeS damage 0/22
IKS Yuthwl' Hech damage 0/22
USS Hernandez destroyed
As soon as the Hernandez was destroyed, we cloaked and had set course for
the Theta Omicron system when we received a distress signal from cadet
Jaghjech on the IKS Chuvon, in the Piachi system. Course was set and
executed immediately.
In the Piachi system, we found the Chuvon damaged and struggling to destroy
the USS Tian Nan Man. a Miranda class light cruiser. Fortunately for us, and
Jaghjech, the Tian Nan Man's aft shields were down, and it's hull integrity
was at fifty percent. I invited Jaghjech to join me in a cloaked attack on
the Tian Nan Man.
IKS QuQVeS rolls:16 0o/16d
IKS Chuvon rolls:24 0o/24d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:32 32o(QuQVeS)/0d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage 8/15
USS Tian Nan Man damage 9/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:8 8o/d
IKS Chuvon rolls:24 24o/d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:32 0o/32d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage 8/15
USS Tian Nan Man damage 9/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS Chuvon rolls:16 0o/16d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage 8/15
USS Tian Nan Man damage 9/15
IKS QuQVeS rolls:16 0o/16d
IKS Chuvon rolls:20 0o/20d
USS Tian Nan Man rolls:24 0o/24d
IKS QuQVeS damage 8/22
IKS Chuvon damage /15
USS Tian Nan Man destroyed
Outgunned as we were, we were victorious after a desperate battle. Battered
but victorious, we both cloaked and set course for the Theta Omicron system.
Dev notes: For the cloaked attack, the QuQVeS gets to add 8 points post
multiplier on the first volley. Aside from that, normal rules apply. As it
turns out, a cloaked attack is no guarantee of victory. In this setting, the
victory over the Tian Nan Man took three attempts and a lot of luck. Next
time I'll have the Yuthwl' Hech join me in the Piachi system.
Mission 03: Cry Havok
Player: Kapact (veteran)
IKS qul mIwI': Insurrection, DD
Primary Objectives
Strike the MacArthur System
Strike the Nimitz System empty
Strike the Bradley System
Strike the Patton System
Rendevous in Punjab
Secondary Objectives
Call for Assistance
I am honored to have survived to achieve command of the Insurrection class
destroyer IKS qul mIwI'. My orders are to continue lightning strikes into
Federation territory, helping our forces to seem to be everywhere at the
same time. Commander Thok Mak has assigned the Pipeq and the Chuvon as my
escorts, and our targets to be the following systems:
MacArthur System
Nimitz System
Bradley System
Patton System
We will then rendevous with the fleet in the Punjab system.
During General Chang's inspiring briefing, we were reminded that it would be
foolish to attempt to take on more than we can hope to defeat. I can only
assume that just that possibility exists as we push further into Federation
Arriving cloaked in the MacArthur system, we detected two Okinawa class
frigates, apparently unaware of our arrival. I ordered the Pipeq and the
Chuvon to converge on one while I attacked the other.
(1109.29)IKS qul mIwI' vs USS FF
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:36 36o/d
USS FF rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
USS FF destroyed
(1109.29)IKS Pipeq, IKS Chuvon vs USS FF
IKS Pipeq rolls:6 6o/d
IKS Chuvon rolls:24 24o/d
USS FF rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS FF destroyed
As soon as the two frigates were destroyed, three Constitution class heavy
cruisers warped into the system. Much as I would have liked to order an
attack, I decided that it would have been foolish. As per instructions, I
contacted the fleet. We were ordered to retreat immediately and resume our
assigned patrol. With reluctance, I ordered my escorts to move out of
weapons range, then to cloak and warp out.
We arrived cloaked in the Nimitz system to find it, to our disappointment,
completely empty. Our arrival in the Bradley system was almost as
disheartening. We encountered a civilian liner, the Altair Star. While it
would have been gratifying to destroy the vessel, (and cadet Jaghjech argued
for clearance to do just that), I felt that it would be dishonorable. We
allowed it to move on unmolested. When it was out of range, we set course
for the Patton system.
Finally, there, we found a worthwhile target in a Miranda class light
cruiser that seemed to be guarding two freighters. One was a Bulldog FRT,
and the other was 6Y-6000 class. While I was confident that the Pipeq and
Chuvon could easily destroy the Miranda, I decided to take no chances. I
ordered them to join me in a cloaked attack on the light cruiser. We could
then hunt down the freighters at our leisure.
IKS qul mIwI', IKS Pipeq, IKS Chuvon vs USS Miranda
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:30 30o/d
IKS Pipeq rolls:8 8o/d
IKS Chuvon rolls:36 36o/d
USS Miranda rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS Miranda destroyed
The Miranda presented little challenge under our united assault, but the two
freighters were alerted. After a lengthy pursuit, we caught up with the
freighters and destroyed them:
(1109.29) IKS Pipeq, IKS Chuvon vs USS Bulldog FRT
IKS Pipeq rolls:12 12o/0d
IKS Chuvon rolls:6 6o/0d
USS Bulldog FRT rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS Bulldog FRT damage: 10/15
IKS Pipeq rolls:30 18o/12d
IKS Chuvon rolls:12 0o/12d
USS Bulldog FRT rolls:2 0o/2d
IKS Pipeq damage: 0/25
IKS Chuvon damage: 0/25
USS Bulldog FRT destroyed
(1109.29) IKS qul mIwI' vs USS 6Y-6000
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:12 12o/d
USS 6Y-6000 rolls:8 0o/8d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
USS 6Y-6000 damage: 4/15
IKS qul mIwI' rolls:36 24o/12d
USS 6Y-6000 rolls:6 0o/6d
IKS qul mIwI' damage: 0/25
USS 6Y-6000 destroyed
With the joy of combat in our hearts, we recloaked and engaged warp for the
Punjab system. Mission accomplished.
Head to Head Sector Conquest (Note: This catches you up with the entire
sequence to date. Starting next week, you'll just get just the week's
Turn 1)
System 1: FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau FCA
USS Abrahms FCA USS Orci form Fed 1st Fleet (FF1). Contact: 4 KCA's *won
toss. (1209.13) FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau
KCA IKS Qaw'lu: Klingons destroyed. No damage to FF1.
System 5: KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS DuranQo KCA IKS Ok'ran KCA
IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer form Klingon 1st Fleet (KF1). Contact: 4 FCA's
*won toss. (1209.13) KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS DuranQo KCA IKS
Ok'ran KCA IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer vs FCA USS Washington FCA USS Roosevelt
FCA USS Cleveland FCA USS Detroit: Feds destroyed. No damage to KF1.
Turn 2)
System 1: FF1 begin construct FSY Desilu. FSY Desilu construct turn 1= no
System 5: KF1 begin construct KSY Klinzai. KSY Klinzai construct turn 1=
contact 5 FCA's *lost toss: (1209.13) KCA IKS Kandido KCA IKS Kurry KCA IKS
DuranQo KCA IKS Ok'ran KCA IKS D'Han KCA IKS Glommer vs FCA USS Loknar FCA
USS Churchill FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman: KCA IKS
Glommer KCA IKS D'Han destroyed. FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS
Bozeman captured. FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman now
constitute KF1.
Turn 3)
System 1: FSY Desilu construct turn 2= contact: 5 KCA's *lost toss (1209.14)
FCA USS Essex FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Tahir FCA USS Robau FCA USS Abrahms
IKS Koloth: FF1 destroyed. KCA IKS BortaS destroyed. KCA IKS Klolode damage
5/25. IKS Kor KCA IKS Kang KCA IKS Koloth undamaged.
System 5: KF1 (captured FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman)
continue construct KSY Klinzai. KSY Klinzai construct turn 2= no contact
Turn 4)
System 1:
IKS Kor KCA IKS Kang KCA IKS Koloth form KF2. Contact: 4 FCA's *won toss
(1209.14) IKS Kor KCA IKS Kang KCA IKS Koloth vs FCA USS Christopher FCA USS
Belknap FCA USS Gideon FCA USS Riverside. KCA IKS Koloth captures FCA USS
Christopher (damage 10/15). All other ships destroyed.
System 5: KF1 (captured FCA USS Hornet FCA USS Entebbe FCA USS Bozeman)
continue construct KSY Klinzai. KSY Klinzai construct turn 3= no contact.
KSY Klinzai complete.
Turn 5)
System 1:
FCA USS Christopher (damage 10/15) KCA IKS Koloth move to open space: repair
turn 1 contact? no contact. search for convoy? no contact
System 5: KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 1? contact: 2
FCA's KF1 (captured FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS Bozeman) remain
on station. contact? no contact
Turn 6)
System 1:
KCA IKS Koloth remain on station repair turn 2: contact? contact: 2 FCA USS
Christopher KCA IKS Koloth : (1209.16) KCA IKS Koloth FCA USS Christopher vs
FCA USS Shatner FCA USS Arizona: FCA USS Christopher KCA IKS Koloth
destroyed FCA USS Shatner damage: 10/15 FCA USS Arizona damage: 10/15
System 5: KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 1? contact: 2
FCA's *won toss: (1209.16) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA
IKS Bozeman vs FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS Justman: FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS
Justman destroyed. No damage to Klingons.
Turn 7)
System 1:
FCA USS Shatner damage: 10/15 FCA USS Arizona damage: 10/15 remain on
station. Repair turn 1? contact: 1 KCA *won toss. (1209.16) FCA USS Shatner
FCA USS Arizona vs KCA IKS Tong Ve: All ships destroyed.
System 5: KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 1? contact: 2
FCA's *won toss: (1209.16) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA
IKS Bozeman vs FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS Justman: FCA USS Kurtzman FCA USS
Justman destroyed. No damage to Klingons.
Turn 8)
System 5: KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 2? contact: 2 FCA's
*lost toss: (1209.17) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS
Bozeman vs FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola: FCA IKS Hornet
destroyed. FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola destroyed. FCA IKS
Entebbe FCA IKS Bozeman undamaged.
Turn 9)
System 5: KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 2? contact: 2 FCA's
*lost toss: (1209.17) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS
Bozeman vs FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola: FCA IKS Hornet
destroyed. FCA USS San Francisco FCA USS Pensacola destroyed. FCA IKS
Entebbe FCA IKS Bozeman undamaged.
Turn 10)
System 5: KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Sompek turn 3? contact: 5 FCA's
*lost toss: (1209.17) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Hornet FCA IKS Entebbe FCA IKS
Bozeman vs FCA USS Bismark FCA USS Richmond FCA USS Roanoke FCA USS
Alexandria FCA USS Columbia: KSY Klinzai no damage all other ships
destroyed. KCA IKS Sompek complete
Turn 11)
System 5: KCA IKS Sompek on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Qor'Du
turn 1? contact: no contact
Turn 12)
System 5: KCA IKS Sompek on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Qor'Du
turn 2? contact: 6 FCA's *won toss (1209.17) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Sompek vs
FCA USS Landau FCA USS Yorktown FCA USS April FCA USS Archer FCA USS Reagan
FCA USS Missouri
Turn 13)
System 5: KCA IKS Sompek on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Qor'Du
turn 3? contact: 3 FCA's *lost toss (1209.17) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Sompek vs
FCA USS George Washington FCA USS Abraham Lincoln FCA USS John Adams: KSY
Klinzai undamaged. All other ships destroyed. KCA IKS Qor'Du complete.
Turn 14)
System 5: KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klin turn
1? no contact
Turn 15)
System 5: KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klin turn
2? no contact
Turn 16)
System 5: KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klin turn
3? contact 4 FCA's *lost toss. (1209.18) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Qur'Du vs FCA
USS Sydney FCA USS Kronomag FCA USS Akagi FCA USS Sutherland: FCA USS Sydney
FCA USS Kronomag FCA USS Akagi FCA USS Sutherland. No damage to Klingons
Turn 17)
System 5: KCA IKS Klin complete. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai
construct KCA IKS Chang turn 1? no contact.
Turn 18)
System 5: KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai
construct KCA IKS Chang turn 2? no contact.
Turn 19)
System 5: KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai
construct KCA IKS Chang turn 3? contact: 5 KCA's *won toss (1209.18) KSY
Klinzai KCA IKS Klin IKS Qur'Du vs FCA USS Adelaide FCA USS Auckland FCA USS
Wellington FCA USS Stalingrad FCA USS Larson: FCA USS Adelaide FCA USS
Auckland FCA USS Wellington FCA USS Stalingrad FCA USS Larson destroyed. No
damage to Klingons
Turn 20)
System 5: KCA IKS Chang complete. KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on
station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Korax turn 1? contact: 4 KCA's *won
toss (1209.18) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Klin IKS Qur'Du KCA IKS Chang vs FCA USS
New York FCA USS London FCA USS Ferriman FCA USS Garrovick: FCA USS New York
FCA USS London FCA USS Ferriman FCA USS Garrovick destroyed. No damage to
Turn 21)
System 5: KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du
on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Korax turn 2? no contact
Turn 22)
System 5: KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du
on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Korax turn 3? contact: 5 FCA's
*won toss. (1209.18) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Klin IKS Qur'Du KCA IKS Chang vs
FCA USS Beijing FCA USS New Orleans FCA USS Canberra FCA USS Kodiak FCA USS
Brisbane: FCA USS Beijing FCA USS New Orleans FCA USS Canberra FCA USS
Kodiak FCA USS Brisbane destroyed. No damage to Klingons
Turn 23)
System 5: KCA IKS Korax complete. KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin on
station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klug turn
1? contact: 5 FCA's
PvP games reported:
(1109.06) PCA AV Sitka vs KCA IKS 'etlh: IKS 'etlh destroyed.
(1209.15) PCA AV Sitka vs KCA IKS 'etlh: AV Sitka destroyed.
Command College:
"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"
(TOS Era)
The Starship Defiant was not the only Starfleet vessel to run afoul of the
Tholian Assembly. On stardate 2794.4, the Akula Class Destroyer USS Sparta
was patrolling the Klingon neutral zone when it discovered a ship that
appeared to be stuck in a gravity well. The ship was of Federation design,
roughly similar to the Akula configuration, with a saucer positioned between
two nacelles. That is where the similarities ended. This ship was easily
twice the size of the Sparta, capable, based on projections and
extrapolations from the Sparta's technical specifications, of holding at
least 800 crew. Attempts to discern hull markings for name or registration
were unsuccessful due to the tell-tale visual shimmering effect that has
come to be associated with Tholian interspatial corridors. Life reading
scans showed no definite signs, though they were unable to run detailed
scans due to unusual electromagnetic interference blanketing the area.
Repeated attempts to contact the crew or the ships onboard computer were
unsuccessful. There was little question of what needed to be done.
Mysterious or not, unidentified or not, a Federation starship is a
Federation starship. But with Klingons beginning to close on the area,
Captain Robau knows that this could, in the end, be anything but a routine
rescue/recovery mission.
The Klingons are less than ten minutes away, and register as a D7 Heavy
Cruiser, and a smaller, unidentified profile. In a pure combat sense,
Captain Robau knows that he is outmatched. He also knows that the Klingons
will either destroy the ship, or worse, take it for the technology.
What should be Captain Robau's course of action?
Post your solution here for a Command College Point. Feel free to discuss
this with the 'comment' feature
"Captain's Log"
"...all around us..."
21) The fabric of space/time begins to warp, producing chaotic results
Class L Marginal
Age: 4-10 billion years
Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km
Location: Ecosphere
Surface: Rocky and barren, little surface water
Atmosphere: Oxygen/argon, high concentration of carbon dioxide
Life forms: Limited to plant life; suitable for humanoid colonization
Example: Indri VIII
(A/OS Era)(Moderator's Note: A/OS refers to the 2009 film, Alternate
Original Series Era)
USS Ares
Roddenberry Class Explorer
Science Officer's Log
Commander Al Rashid
In the aftermath of the Narada/Red Matter detonation near the Alpha Centauri
system, we are one of a dozen science ships pressed into emergency
survey/recovery operations. While the system itself seems to be safe from
the effects of the black hole, there are dozens of worlds in the vicinity
that are suffering sometimes unstable and unpredictable consequences. The
Ares itself was assigned to what was the only class M planet in an adjacent
system, designated as Newton in the starcharts. Newton III was home to a
twelve-person observation research outpost studying localized
micro-disturbances in the space/time continuum. Those micro-disturbances are
now major disturbances, quite literally all around us, and one after-effect
has been the destabilization of the system's sun. That destabilization has
effectively changed Newton III from Class M to Class L (Marginal) with a
rocky and barren surface and extremely little surface water. The atmosphere
has suffered extreme changes, reading as primarily oxygen/argon, with a high
concentration of carbon dioxide. The science team is gone, and only very
tough plant life remains. Fortunately, it won't be difficult to reestablish
an outpost here, and they'll have plenty of work to do. The loss of this
team is a tragedy, but considering that Nero was seconds away from turning
Earth into a black hole, all of us who survived can count ourselves very
for next week. write a 100+ word log entry including the phrase
"...dangerous and unpredictable...". Post it in the yahoo group or on the
blogsite's "comment" feature for a Command College Point.
Dev Notes:
This summary represents what is almost a relaunch for the summary I found
that I was working very hard at playing/playtesting the game all week, then
working hard at essentially writing probably a thousand words of fiction
completely separate from the week's work. Now I'm using the week's work to
comprise the summary, which is in fact what should happen. And I may again
explore the concept of tying game play in to the Command College. And of
course, I've written a very short and simple "Captain's Log" set in the 2009
movie A/OS Alternate Original Series Era.
Kapact's Rant: Who Does Your Shopping For You?
Imagine if the government decided that it was going to buy all of your groceries for you. This is to make sure that everyone gets the amount of food that government decides you need. It's to make sure that nobody does
without, regardless of their income. Such a noble, compassionate idea, and only the cold-hearted rich could oppose such an idea. But wait. In this program, just to make sure that everyone got groceries of equal quality and freshness and nutritional value, the government will pick out the fruit and vegetables, as well as the brand of cereal and milk, and the size of the eggs. They'll even decide whether you get jumbo, farm-raised, free range, etc. In short, as a part of that program, Uncle Sam will make all of those decisions for you. And if anyone else tries to sell you groceries, Uncle Sam will use the power of Congress to make sure that those questionable grocers obey every regulation that can be squeezed into a two thousand page document. You'll be able to use any grocer that you want, but rest assured that your grocer won't sell anything that Uncle Sam doesn't approve, or charge less for your groceries than Uncle Sam charges. If the private grocer steps out of line, don't worry. Uncle Sam will take care of them. Oh, and don't be foolish enough try to stay out Uncle Sam's grocery plan. Because if you don't go with someone's plan, you could actually get fined more than the price of a years' worth of groceries. Never mind that Uncle Sam doesn't have the legal right (which by law MUST be specified in the Constitution) to require you to subscribe to a grocery plan, they're going to do it anyway.
This is obviously ridiculous. Nobody would allow the government (which couldn't run a grocery store), to pick out their groceries for them, nor would they want the government to put smaller, more efficient, less
expensive grocery stores out of business. I mean, when was the last time the government ran a business better than the private sector?
without, regardless of their income. Such a noble, compassionate idea, and only the cold-hearted rich could oppose such an idea. But wait. In this program, just to make sure that everyone got groceries of equal quality and freshness and nutritional value, the government will pick out the fruit and vegetables, as well as the brand of cereal and milk, and the size of the eggs. They'll even decide whether you get jumbo, farm-raised, free range, etc. In short, as a part of that program, Uncle Sam will make all of those decisions for you. And if anyone else tries to sell you groceries, Uncle Sam will use the power of Congress to make sure that those questionable grocers obey every regulation that can be squeezed into a two thousand page document. You'll be able to use any grocer that you want, but rest assured that your grocer won't sell anything that Uncle Sam doesn't approve, or charge less for your groceries than Uncle Sam charges. If the private grocer steps out of line, don't worry. Uncle Sam will take care of them. Oh, and don't be foolish enough try to stay out Uncle Sam's grocery plan. Because if you don't go with someone's plan, you could actually get fined more than the price of a years' worth of groceries. Never mind that Uncle Sam doesn't have the legal right (which by law MUST be specified in the Constitution) to require you to subscribe to a grocery plan, they're going to do it anyway.
This is obviously ridiculous. Nobody would allow the government (which couldn't run a grocery store), to pick out their groceries for them, nor would they want the government to put smaller, more efficient, less
expensive grocery stores out of business. I mean, when was the last time the government ran a business better than the private sector?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Kapact's Rant: The Executive Czar
I used to think that 'our friends on the left' just had a different idea of how best to take our country into the future, and in fact, in the eighties, I think they did. Oh, they were desperately wrong even then, but we all lived in the same country, and we all believed that the bedrocks of our country, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, were important and inviolable. They meant something, and even though we disagreed on how best to support and defend the Constitution, we all loved and respected it. Those were the good old days.
Now we have an administration that treats the Constitution like an old novel. Quaint, interesting. Certainly worthy of study, (Mister Obama did study constitutional law), but not really practical. Not relevant. Maybe they think it's due a reboot. Witness the plague of un-elected, un-confirmed and un-answerable czars that Mister Obama has visited upon us. They are now dictating how companies can compensate executives. While I understand that since the government is in the business of bailing out (swallowing up, or 'Chavezing') private businesses, the case could be made for dictating how they spend the investor's money. Except that the czar making the decision was not elected by the taxpayers who actually supplied the money. Nor was he confirmed by the senate. So we have a crony. A bit of an appointed cossack who decides how much someone in a now state-run business can be compensated. I suppose when you put it like that, well, it doesn't necessarily sound better, but at least it sounds familiar. It almost makes sense. If you're in the Kremlin, and your last name is Putin. Or Stalin.
But that's just the start. Next, Mister Obama is going to grant himself the power to break up large companies that he deems are 'too powerful'. See, that line about governments "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed", well, that was okay for the Founding Fathers, (just like the Second Ammendment might have meant something back then, but not now), but hey, this is the 21st century. Fortunately, we seem to have a 'progressive' executive czar who seems to derive his power from the just consent of... himself.
Mister executive czar Obama may belong to the same esteemed club as Al Gore, Jimmy Carter and Yasser Arafat, but the difference is that they are either dead or irrelevant. Mister Obama still has a few years to warp the country to his 'progressive' model.
Now we have an administration that treats the Constitution like an old novel. Quaint, interesting. Certainly worthy of study, (Mister Obama did study constitutional law), but not really practical. Not relevant. Maybe they think it's due a reboot. Witness the plague of un-elected, un-confirmed and un-answerable czars that Mister Obama has visited upon us. They are now dictating how companies can compensate executives. While I understand that since the government is in the business of bailing out (swallowing up, or 'Chavezing') private businesses, the case could be made for dictating how they spend the investor's money. Except that the czar making the decision was not elected by the taxpayers who actually supplied the money. Nor was he confirmed by the senate. So we have a crony. A bit of an appointed cossack who decides how much someone in a now state-run business can be compensated. I suppose when you put it like that, well, it doesn't necessarily sound better, but at least it sounds familiar. It almost makes sense. If you're in the Kremlin, and your last name is Putin. Or Stalin.
But that's just the start. Next, Mister Obama is going to grant himself the power to break up large companies that he deems are 'too powerful'. See, that line about governments "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed", well, that was okay for the Founding Fathers, (just like the Second Ammendment might have meant something back then, but not now), but hey, this is the 21st century. Fortunately, we seem to have a 'progressive' executive czar who seems to derive his power from the just consent of... himself.
Mister executive czar Obama may belong to the same esteemed club as Al Gore, Jimmy Carter and Yasser Arafat, but the difference is that they are either dead or irrelevant. Mister Obama still has a few years to warp the country to his 'progressive' model.
Kate’s Cooking: Sauce and Stuffing

I often use stuffing as a side dish and you can bake it or gently stir it together in a saucepan on a medium heat. It is good with all poultry. If you like, just before serving, sprinkle a little cheese over the top and dot a little butter or margarine here and there and put it under a broiler or grill.
4 stalks of celery – chopped finely and cooked until tender
1 orange – grate rind and squeeze for juice (a lemon can be used to)
3 cups soft breadcrumbs (fresh) – this is an approximate amount
1 teaspoon black pepper
(salt is optional)
1 egg – lightly beaten
¼ cup melted margarine
1 tablespoon chopped parsley or chives or a mix of both
1 tablespoon onion – grated or finely chopped
Drain celery. Mix all ingredients together using some of the celery water to moisten if necessary. Note: if you are using the stuffing inside poultry, always make sure that you thoroughly wash the bird inside and pat dry before using the stuffing.
If you find yourself with people ‘suddenly’ coming for a meal and you need a quick dessert or for that matter you fancy a bowl of icecream for yourself, then an economical vanilla icecream with this yummy sauce served over the top, is terrific. You might like to decorate the dessert with a few chocolate chips sprinkled over the sauce or grate some chocolate or a chocolate sweet if you have any of these. It’s what I call ‘cheerful’ food.
¾ cup brown sugar
¼ cup butter or margarine
1 to 2 tablespoons maple syrup
(about) 1/3 cup milk
Heat all of the above ingredients gently, in a double saucepan if you have one or a smaller, heavy-based saucepan. (You can double the recipe if you want lashings of sauce!)
Keep well and safe and happy cooking to you.
Miss Ginny's Diary Dec 12th 2009
Meow to you. It’s me, Miss Ginny. It is cold today and the nice man on the television says it is 31 and that is below freezing according to HM. She has just come back from emptying the garbage and she says it takes her longer to put on all her warm gear than to do the actual chore. I’ve got a good bed today. It is in the corner of the alcove that goes into the closet. It is full of old woolly stuff and I can see everything that is going on in the main room. My sister is trying to sit on HM’s book and now she is rubbing her face on HM’s hand. I think ShooShoo is trying to make up for some bad behaviour. ShooShoo and GAD had a grand roll-up play earlier and when they do this it can get a little rough. They seem to get locked in mortal combat and sometimes HM steps into the middle of it to calm things down. Our Christmas decorations are up and when the roll-ups are going on, sometimes things get knocked over. We have a tiny Christmas tree and a large Christmas tree. There is a train with twinkling lights and a lighted wreath and a very modern Christmas tree that sits in the middle of our table. It is also lit. Great Aunt Daisy cannot figure out the twinkling lights on the train. (The train is usually outside but we can’t do that this year so HM has it attached to the wall). GAD howls at the train and HM says she must be part prairie dog. HD and HM are talking about our move to a new home and it looks as though it will not be near the coast and HD will transfer to the upper Midwest of the USA. HM says that we cannot travel before the next northern spring as it is too cold for us to travel at the moment. I have been thinking about the fresh fish I was hoping to get if we moved to a coastal area. But HM said that there are plenty of rivers and creeks and lakes to fish in where we are going and that is good. HM and HD have river-fishing rods and HM has a huge ocean fishing rod which is very big.
Hi everyone – this is HM writing. Miss Ginny has decided to go to sleep and is doing a little snore so I am chatting to you. I have just put on the Christmas tree lights as the day outside is getting quite dark. Miss Ginny and I were arguing earlier because she likes to try and eat the branches on the tree and I said no. I just love my little girl but sometimes she is a little weird. She probably thinks I am weird too.
Meow it’s me, Miss Ginny. I had a big nap. It is night now and the chores are all finished and HM has gotten into bed and is writing. She has finished cooking a nice smelling soup and a DVD is playing and HM says early to bed is a good idea on a cold night. We have all piled in with her and she wants to know when I am going to finish cleaning my claws because she can’t stand the noise, so I am staring her out. Grandma Carrie is not in the bed and she is curled up in one of her own many beds and is snoring very loudly. HM says she snores worse than HD does when he is tired. The weather man has just said that it will go below freezing again outside during the evening. HM said some prayers for all the outside and abandoned cats that have to cope with this cold weather. I know that she would bring them all inside if she could. If I get too close to HM then she will catch me up in a snuggle and then we will have a friendly fight. HD calls me his ‘prissy missy’ because he says that HM spoils me but I always keep on the good side of HD as he is a very kindly soul and is great to snuggle with in the cold.
I’m off until next time. See you soon.
Meow to you from Miss Ginny.
Hi everyone – this is HM writing. Miss Ginny has decided to go to sleep and is doing a little snore so I am chatting to you. I have just put on the Christmas tree lights as the day outside is getting quite dark. Miss Ginny and I were arguing earlier because she likes to try and eat the branches on the tree and I said no. I just love my little girl but sometimes she is a little weird. She probably thinks I am weird too.
Meow it’s me, Miss Ginny. I had a big nap. It is night now and the chores are all finished and HM has gotten into bed and is writing. She has finished cooking a nice smelling soup and a DVD is playing and HM says early to bed is a good idea on a cold night. We have all piled in with her and she wants to know when I am going to finish cleaning my claws because she can’t stand the noise, so I am staring her out. Grandma Carrie is not in the bed and she is curled up in one of her own many beds and is snoring very loudly. HM says she snores worse than HD does when he is tired. The weather man has just said that it will go below freezing again outside during the evening. HM said some prayers for all the outside and abandoned cats that have to cope with this cold weather. I know that she would bring them all inside if she could. If I get too close to HM then she will catch me up in a snuggle and then we will have a friendly fight. HD calls me his ‘prissy missy’ because he says that HM spoils me but I always keep on the good side of HD as he is a very kindly soul and is great to snuggle with in the cold.
I’m off until next time. See you soon.
Meow to you from Miss Ginny.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Kate’s Cooking: Simple Lunches

Ramen Noodle Soup Surprise
This meal came about because of my looking in our food cupboard today and thinking ‘oh my’, what am I going to do (we havenot been to buy our groceries for the coming week).
Into a medium/large pot put the following:
6 cups water
2 packets of Ramen noodles (Oriental Flavor) – but this becomes a personal choice.
2 grated carrots
2 large cloves garlic – chopped small
1 cup chopped celery
1/3 packet (16oz.) bacon – cut into inch squares
1 tablespoon butter or margarine – optional (for extra flavoring)
Cook the above until noodles are soft and bacon is cooked. I served this with bread and butter. It was tasty and hot on a cold day.
NOTE: Thank the Lord for Ramen noodles. They are, in these difficult economic times, well worth stocking up on. If you have salt restrictions then I would limit the use of the flavoring provided in the noodle packets. Many people I know use these noodles. The local student population eats copious quantities. So do ‘crazy’ columnists!
Vege Custard
2 cups chopped celery
1 cup grated carrot
2 spring (green) onions – chopped
1 or 2 large cloves garlic – chopped
2 cups milk (approx.)
4 or 5 eggs – beaten
seasonings – own choice (optional)
Cook the vegetables in the milk until tender. Add seasonings if used. Put in a buttered ovenproof dish and pour the eggs over the vegetables. Bake in a moderate oven until firm. If you like, this dish can be made in a microwave and I have done this in a frypan too. NOTE: a little grated cheese sprinkled on top right at the end of cooking, adds additional flavor.
Chatter With Kate Dec 7th 2009
Hey folks. The reason I started this feature is lately I have heard so many stories from good folk who just wonder what is going to happen next in this difficult economic climate and don’t have an outlet to just ‘chat’ or folk to ‘chat’ to. Not everyone has a family or a friend or for that matter, a computer or a cellphone. There seems to be any number of people that are struggling and wondering what they are going to do about all manner of things. My husband and I both lost our former jobs and in my husband’s case he found another job at an absolute base rate of pay. We never did live a ‘high’ lifestyle and continue to live a simple life in a simple apartment with our crazy cats that help to keep us grounded and I find it a good thing to have this responsibility. We recently started up an online book and curio store and a virtual assistance program. If you are feeling a little splat, depressed, down in the dumps etc. try having a chat with the big G. upstairs and ask his advice. Perhaps you can put on a favorite DVD or VHS if you have them available. If you are able, try and give a cat or two (old cats rock!!) from an animal shelter, a home. If you are worried about Christmas and not having money for gifts or decorations, go along to a thrift store. Most of them have a Christmas table with seasonal gifts that have been donated and are for sale cheaply. I got a wonderful felt angel last year for $3.00. We called her after an elderly friend of ours who has departed our life – the name of Pearl. It suits her. If you live in a country that has the Dollar Stores, they have great craft things for making decorations or revamping old decorations. For a dollar last year I bought a packet of several glitter glues that are great fun to decorate with. All these things can be cheerful. Volunteering is a terrific way to meet other folk and help out all the charities who welcome help.
My husband has just rung in from his job and he is on his way home (on the bus) on this cold night so I am going to get a coffee pot ready for him. Have a drink with us in about half an hour.
Talk to you again soon.
Cheers, Kate.
My husband has just rung in from his job and he is on his way home (on the bus) on this cold night so I am going to get a coffee pot ready for him. Have a drink with us in about half an hour.
Talk to you again soon.
Cheers, Kate.
Chatter With Kate 7 Dec 2009
Hey folks. The reason I started this feature is lately I have heard so many stories from good folk who just wonder what is going to happen next in this difficult economic climate and don’t have an outlet to just ‘chat’ or folk to ‘chat’ to. Not everyone has a family or a friend or for that matter, a computer or a cellphone. There seems to be any number of people that are struggling and wondering what they are going to do about all manner of things. My husband and I both lost our former jobs and in my husband’s case he found another job at an absolute base rate of pay. We never did live a ‘high’ lifestyle and continue to live a simple life in a simple apartment with our crazy cats that help to keep us grounded and I find it a good thing to have this responsibility. We recently started up an online book and curio store and a virtual assistance program. If you are feeling a little splat, depressed, down in the dumps etc. try having a chat with the big G. upstairs and ask his advice. Perhaps you can put on a favorite DVD or VHS if you have them available. If you are able, try and give a cat or two (old cats rock!!) from an animal shelter, a home. If you are worried about Christmas and not having money for gifts or decorations, go along to a thrift store. Most of them have a Christmas table with seasonal gifts that have been donated and are for sale cheaply. I got a wonderful felt angel last year for $3.00. We called her after an elderly friend of ours who has departed our life – the name of Pearl. It suits her. If you live in a country that has the Dollar Stores, they have great craft things for making decorations or revamping old decorations. For a dollar last year I bought a packet of several glitter glues that are great fun to decorate with. All these things can be cheerful. Volunteering is a terrific way to meet other folk and help out all the charities who welcome help.
My husband has just rung in from his job and he is on his way home (on the bus) on this cold night so I am going to get a coffee pot ready for him. Have a drink with us in about half an hour.
Talk to you again soon.
Cheers, Kate.
Miss Ginny's Diary Dec 7th 2009
Hey there – it’s me Ginny (actually my proper name is Virginia-Lee). My human mother (HM) calls me Miss Ginny because she says it is easier and sounds nice. It is afternoon tea time which HM likes to have. She is working on her books and the day’s housework and cooking is done and she is pleased. HD (human dad) is at work. I have curled up on the ironing and I am surprised HM hasn’t shifted me. My sister ShooShoo is sleeping as is my cat-mother, Lapper. HM’s old cat Carrie, is snoring her head off. She has just turned 17 cat years. She belonged to HM’s mother and when the old lady passed away HM brought her to live with us. I like her – she is no bother except when she wants her food and then she gives HM a hard time until she gets it. ShooShoo teases her a lot and both HM and HD are always reprimanding my sister. We have lived in a high desert area for nearly 4 years and HM says she has had enough of the heat and just recently, HD agreed with HM so I expect within 6 months or so we will be on the move to a cooler climate and somewhere near the ocean maybe. HM badly wants to see some rain and be able to have a garden. We used to live in the Pacific Islands and HM likes to go fishing and I have to say that it is great to have fresh fish for our meals. Carrie has woken up and got the sneezes. She is giving ShooShoo a bad look as my sister is sitting staring at her. Carrie has been in the family for all but 9 months of her 17 years. She can be a crank-pot and if you get too close to her she will give you a paw-cuff. HM told my sister to watch her ‘meows’ as she (ShooShoo) talks back to Carrie. Lapper is glaring at GAD (great aunt Daisy). My mother has a mean stare at times. She’s a bit jealous of GAD lately as GAD lost her mate Percy and she has been getting a bit of extra attention recently. They were both in the family long before we call came along. Percy was a terrific tabby cat who went to God quite suddenly a while back. We all miss him greatly but rest in the knowledge that he is in heaven with the Big G. Whoops HM just fell over a chair and GAD had a little freak out. HM told GAD that she is ok and GAD gave her a few meows and a nose rub on HM’s leg. GAD is a very large and lovable grey tabby with huge whiskers. She plays with my sister and me and she likes to play in the bathtub where she chases her tail very fast. HM has just asked me what I’m doing. Well I’m just climbing around our small kitchen. She calls me her kitchen supervisor. HD is home and he and Carrie are discussing who has the right to a certain chair. Carrie is a chair sneak and it will be interesting to see who wins the battle.
Well I’m gone for the moment and I will see you soon.
Meow to you all. Ginny.
Well I’m gone for the moment and I will see you soon.
Meow to you all. Ginny.
Miss Ginny's Diary
HOUSE ABUKOFF welcomes a new addition to our family. Miss Ginny’s Diary will appear in the FEATURES section on a fairly regular basis. It is primarily aimed at younger readers and for all those among us who have a love of cats. Miss Ginny is a small, calico cat who lives in the southwestern United States. It is her take on her daily life. It is written on her behalf, by one of our regular contributors. Enjoy it.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Go Ask Harry!
Just a little note. The same 'man' who complained about sweaty tourists stinking up the capital (uh, Harry, you actually work for those people, by the way) was asked about Afghanistan, and angrily and dismissively told the reporter to "Ask Tiger Woods". Mister Reid, your attitude is elitist and ill-mannered, and inconsistent with the behavior of someone who wants to keep his job. But please, don't change on my account. I'm sure you'll do fine in whatever your next job is.
More Derailments on the Hope and Change Express
One of the moments I've been waiting for since Barack Hussein Obama was appointed... I mean, elected, (Well, not really. Ballots were never counted at the Democratic National Convention) has finally arrived, and he did not disappoint. With two wars on, there just had to come a point when the Commander in Chief would have to pretend that he represents the interests of the entire country. He would be forced to give the impression of being tough on the war front to satisfy anyone with a lick of common sense while properly serving the political bosses responsible for getting him appointed... er, elected. And he bobbled it like a master. But then I suppose that something like that is bound to happen when you make decisions beyond your pay grade without a teleprompter. I'm not talking about the 30,000 versus 40,000 debate. That is a decision, that while a mistake in my opinion, could be considered an honest difference in judgement. What I'm talking about is the month that he spent dithering about it, and then the naive, senseless and dangerous time table of 18 months, as well as the vow not to win, but rather to end the war. Tell me, Mister Obama, will we see you posing in front of a "Mission Accomplished" sign in your reelection campaign spots? Or is that timing just a coincidence? Nobody, not even his liberal overseers are willing to publicly endorse the foolish notion of an arbritary time table. Chris Matthews... yes, Chris Matthews even questioned it. Chris Matthews, who seems to get a shiver down his leg everytime Obama enters the conversation. It's almost like someone having the sense and courage to walk out on a deranged, racist preacher rather than sit listening
obediantly for twenty years, until election time comes up. This was the moment I knew had to get here, and while I am pleased to see Mister Obama show his incompetence, I fear for us. He has four years to do incalculable damage to the country and the world, and Ronald Reagan is, sadly, no longer available to rescue us.
obediantly for twenty years, until election time comes up. This was the moment I knew had to get here, and while I am pleased to see Mister Obama show his incompetence, I fear for us. He has four years to do incalculable damage to the country and the world, and Ronald Reagan is, sadly, no longer available to rescue us.
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