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House Abukoff is dedicated to providing new and gently-used treasures at friendly prices through Abukoff Books and Curios, virtual and administrative assistance through our multi-faceted Virtual Assistance Division, entertainment and opinions through our Features, hot political commentary through Kapact's Rant, and addictive and free interactive Star Trek gaming through Fantasy Trek. House Abukoff and its divisions will not be involved in any requests that its operators consider as flouting the law, nor will they assist in matters that they consider indiscreet or objectionable. House Rules run along the firm lines of discretion, honesty, confidentiality, and good service. All features and content (unless otherwise specified) are original compositions, copyright House Abukoff.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fantasy Trek: Summary of Events Stardate 0110.04

Have you ever wanted a Star Trek game that took in all aspects of Trek?
Strategic multi-fleet deployement in a long-term campaign. Fleet versus
enemy fleet. Ship-to-ship combat. Boarding parties facing off in the heat of
battle. Starships in deadly cat and mouse orbital combat. Troops on the
ground defending planets from ruthless enemies. And, of course, solid
story-telling that has always been at the heart of Star Trek. Fantasy Trek
is all of that and more. Using your unique skills in the Trek universe,
whether they are tactical or strategic combat or problem-solving and RPG
story-telling, you contribute toa no-limits perpetual Star Trek universe.
There is no cost, no software to install, and no minimum system
requirements. Fantasy Trek is an imagination-based PBEMMORPG(Play By Email
Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game) that uses maps and online
documents (available at, email, simple rules, and
common six-sided dice (or a random number generator, also available at

To start your tour of duty in the center seat, just answer the following

Game Type:
Pure Combat
(Do you play for pure combat? You know that other events might decide the
nature of that combat, but you just want to blow things up. And think about
this: Do you like to micromanage combat, allocating power to personalize
your attack/defence strategy, making combat a personal match of wits, or do
you just like quick matches that can be over in minutes?)

(You don't care about the combat. You like to write and you want to

(You appreciate both aspects of game play. You accept that the ship you love
to write about may lose battles from time to time.)
Other (specify)
Ship name
Command crew
(You can stick to the TOS crew configuration of science officer, helm,
navigator, communications officer, etc, or you can use the TNG idea of
Operations Officer combining some duties.You can also customize your bridge
crew configuration. You're the Captain)
Note: unless you have something else in mind, all players in this stage of
the game get a Heavy Cruiser to start. The 'something else in mind' I
mentioned is if you decide you want a mission-specific ship like a scout or
police ship, which is likely to be a frigate or destroyer. Just remember
that you might be limiting yourself in a case like that. And don't be
intimidated by the need to create a command crew. If you're a story-teller,
you're used to this, but it isn't necessary to start. And if you're in it
for pure combat, the command crew is recommended but not necessary.
That is really all you need to start. I will happily walk any new players
through the first few missions. If you are concerned that you don't have
enough time to contribute, don't be. This game is as casual as you want.
Exploring takes as much or as little time as you want. Write once a day or
once a week. A hundred words or a thousand. The most intense level of this
game, heavy combat takes a commitment of no more than one email a day. And
even in that case, if you miss a day, it's forgivable. Even the moderator
has a RL and the occasional computer issue. The game is turn-based. Combat
results will be posted online daily. And if it still doesn't make sense,
think of it like your favorite role-playing/writing group gathering for some
table-top game playing.

TNG Era:

Kri'staK Sector
Ab'Qaff Battle Group
Ab'Qaff Class Klingon Heavy Command Cruiser (KCVC) IKS Ab'Qaff
General Kapact Commanding

cha'Hom System-
The Heavy Cruiser Temujin monitored the Vulcan courier on its way to the
ChaHom system. The courier is traveling in a Blalock Class Fast Penetration
Cruiser. Once the courier has taken possesion of a sample of the 2,000 year
old hull material, the battle group will proceed to the wejHom system.

Games in Play:

"DusaQ VeS"

Mission 7: "Hard Target"

As the Ab'Qaff Battle Group enters the rift it is revealed that the series
of explosions in the Tal'Ihnor Gates system have rendered the rift extremely
unstable. There is no guarantee that the ships will survive the journey, but
they have no choice. The ha'dibah who invaded Klingon space will not give
up. They will repair their rift and come back with a vengeance. Push through
the rift.

On the other side of the rift, you discover a starbase and two heavy
cruisers. Energy readings coming from the starbase match those of the device
that was destroyed in the Tal'Ihnor Gates system. Pull the two heavy
cruisers away from the starbase and destroy them. Then swing back and attack
the starbase. Bring down the starbase's shields (10/15 damage), then beam
sufficient boarding parties to overwhelm the base's 20 teams of defenders.
Once you've captured the base, you'll have access to all of the enemy
intelligence and technology, and a base from which to strike.

Assist in the destruction of the two heavy cruisers
Help bring down the Sha'kurian starbase's shields
Command the boarding parties to capture the base
100+ word log

"You must never hesitate to pass through the unknown on the way to victory.
Whatever dangers you may face in the unknown don't compare to the sure and
certain dread of a vengeful enemy with the opportunity and motivation to
rebuild, regroup and come back for you. But once you make it to the enemy's
stronghold, don't destroy potentially valuable resources. Remember that one
piece of enemy intelligence is worth more than a hundred dead enemy
soldiers. And a secure base from which is worth thousands."

Stardate 0110.03 Command candidate Sompek, IKS tIHoy. Tal'Ihnor Gates system

As we began to push through the Sha'kurian rift, sensors showed an
instability in the wormhole-like subspace structure, possibly a result of
the destruction of the invader's device. A quick analysis suggested that
ships passing through the rift could be destroyed. I advised General Kapact.
I was not surprised (though I was pleased) to learn that he had detected the
same thing, and we would not be deterred in our quest. As we passed through,
I could see the other ships, all so much larger than the tI'Hoy, and knew
that any of them could be destroyed without the glory of battle.

But finally, we were through. The entire fleet made it safely through. Then
we were faced with a truly daunting sight. A massive Sha'kurian starbase,
with two of their heavy cruisers holding station. Through a secure channel,
General Kapact ordered us to draw the heavy cruisers to away from the
protection of their base and destroy them.

KCVC IKS Ab'Qaff rolls:125 25eacho/70d
KFF IKS tI'Hoy rolls:4 o/d
KCA IKS Stovokor rolls:60 o/d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls:30 o/d
KCA IKS Temujin rolls:20 o/d
KCL IKS Hammer rolls:8 o/d
KCL IKS Capikus rolls:40 o/d
SCA SRS Chivalry rolls:10 70(Ab'Qaff)o/d
SCA SRS Liege rolls:60 o/d
KCVC IKS Ab'Qaff: damage /25
KFF IKS tI'Hoy: damage /25
KCA IKS Stovokor: damage /25
KCA IKS DuranQo: damage /25
KCA IKS Temujin: damage /25
KCL IKS Hammer: damage /25
KCL IKS Capikus: damage /25
SCA SRS Chivalry: destroyed
SCA SRS Liege: destroyed

The battle was over almost as quickly as it began. The two heavy cruisers
were destroyed, and we circled the starbase and began to target it. Our
objective: bring down the shields, and flood it with troops to capture the
station. That would not only give us access to a massive store of enemy
intelligence, but also a secure base from which to strike.

IKS Ab'Qaff rolls:100 100o/d
KFF IKS tI'Hoy rolls:12 10o/d
KCA IKS Stovokor rolls:60 o/60d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls:50 o/50d
KCA IKS Temujin rolls:40 o/40d
KCL IKS Hammer rolls:8 o/8d
KCL IKS Capikus rolls:16 o/16d
SSB1 rolls:100 0o/100d
IKS Ab'Qaff: damage /25
KFF IKS tI'Hoy: damage /25
KCA IKS Stovokor: damage /25
KCA IKS DuranQo: damage /25
KCA IKS Temujin: damage /25
KCL IKS Hammer: damage /25
KCL IKS Capikus: damage /25
SSB1: damage 10/15

Sha'kurian Starbase shields down
Fleet drops shields to transport boarding parties (4 boarding parties
each=28 )

IKS Ab'Qaff rolls:50 20o/30d
KFF IKS tI'Hoy rolls:24 o/24d
KCA IKS Stovokor rolls:60 40o/10/10(tI'Hoy)d
KCA IKS DuranQo rolls:40 30o/10d
KCA IKS Temujin rolls:40 30o/10d
KCL IKS Hammer rolls:40 30o/10d
KCL IKS Capikus rolls:40 30o/10d
SSB1 rolls:200 20(StoVoKor)/180d
IKS Ab'Qaff: damage 10/25
KFF IKS tI'Hoy: damage 10/25
KCA IKS Stovokor: damage 20/25
KCA IKS DuranQo: damage 10/25
KCA IKS Temujin: damage 10/25
KCL IKS Hammer: damage 10/25
KCL IKS Capikus: damage 10/25
SSB1: damage 10/15

Boarding Parties safely aboard. Fleet shields back up.

The battle to capture the Sha'kurian starbase was savage, and more than a
third of our heroic warriors were lost to the invaders, but our numbers, as
well as our spirit, lifted by the rightness of our cause and the honored
memory of our ancestors carried the day. I was proud to personally lead a
large number of troops capturing the vital engineering section, while
General Kapact led soldiers into the command level. We will now study the
enemy computer core and determine their plans, and our next move.

Klingon Academy:

Mission 04: Dogs of War

IKS qul mIwI': Insurrection, DD

Primary Objectives
Patrol & Clear DeGaulle
Patrol & Clear Eisenhower
Patrol & Clear Bernard
Loyalty to a Comrade
Report to Schroeder Drydock

Secondary Objectives
Call Strike Fleet in DeGaulle
Call Strike Fleet in Bernanrd
Avenge the tlHoy

(0110.03) Command candidate Kapact (Elite), IKS qul mIwI': Insurrection, DD.
Punjab System

The loss of all but five ships (command candidates) has left me and my
classmates watching our backs. The spectre of defeat haunts us all. But the
campaign goes on. Chang's brilliant illusion tactic is working well. The
Federation forces are in disarray, but the offensive must be maintained, or
the enemy will be able to regroup. Commander Thok Mak has once again
assigned the Pipeq and the Chuvon as my escorts, and provided the following
patrol route:

Patrol & Clear DeGaulle System
Patrol & Clear Eisenhower System
Patrol & Clear Bernard System
Report to Schroeder Drydock

We arrived cloaked in the DeGaulle system and immediately detected several
Federation heavy cruisers. While it would have been glorious to engage these
ships, I decided that it would also be foolhardy. As per orders, I contacted
the Strike Fleet for assistance. I was ordered to leave immediately and
proceed to our next objective. Discretion, in this case, was a bitter pill
to swallow, but defeat and dishonor would have been worse.

Arriving cloaked in the Eisenhower system, we encountered two Oberth Class
frigates. I ordered my escorts to warp to the USS Meredith while I went
after the USS Antilles

(0110.03) KDD IKS qul mIwI' vs FFF USS Antilles

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:30 30o/d
FFF USS Antilles rolls:24 o/24d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
FFF USS Antilles damage: 6/15

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:6 o/6d
FFF USS Antilles rolls:4 o/4d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
FFF USS Antilles damage: 6/15

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:18 18o/d
FFF USS Antilles rolls:16 o/16d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
FFF USS Antilles damage: 8/15

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:36 12o/24d
FFF USS Antilles rolls:4 o/4d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
FFF USS Antilles destroyed

(0110.03) KDD IKS Chuvon vs KDD IKS Pipeq FFF USS Meredith

KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:16 16o/d
KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:8 8o/d
FFF USS Meredith rolls:20 o/20d
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
FFF USS Meredith damage: 4/15

KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:6 o/15d
KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:24 o/15d
FFF USS Meredith rolls:8 o/8d
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
FFF USS Meredith damage: 4/15

KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:30 30o/d
KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:12 12o/d
FFF USS Meredith rolls:12 0o/12d
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
FFF USS Meredith destroyed

The Oberth class escorts provided minimal sport. Tedious, with no real
challenge. Still, all missions are important. Our next objective is the
Bernard system. We cloaked, and went into warp.

Upon arrival, we detected three Clysdale Class freighters and a Miranda
Class Light Cruiser. I ordered the Chuvon and the Pipeq to form on me and
assault the Miranda first.

(0110.03) KDD IKS qul mIwI' KDD IKS Chuvon KDD IKS Pipeq vs FCL USS Marvick

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:24 24o/d
KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:12 12o/d
KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:24 24o/d
FCL USS Marvick rolls:16 o/16d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
FCL USS Marvick destroyed

The Marvick was easily destroyed, and we recloaked, and set course for the
freighters, splitting up to attack them individually.

(0110.03) KDD IKS qul mIwI' KDD IKS Chuvon KDD IKS Pipeq vs Ffr USS

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:24 24o/d
Ffr USS Clys1 rolls:8 o/8d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
Ffr USS Clys1 destroyed

KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:36 36o/d
Ffr USS Clys2 rolls:12 o/12d
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
Ffr USS Clys2 destroyed

KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:30 30o/d
Ffr USS Clys3 rolls:6 o/6d
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
Ffr USS Clys3 destroyed

As the last freighter was blowing up, we received a distress signal from the
IKS tIHoy, in the Halsey system. Its captain reported that they had been
overwhelmed by Federation boarding parties, and was unable to even
self-destruct. If the captain and crew were to die with honor, it will have
to be by our hand. I immediately ordered the Chuvon and Pipeq to cloak and
follow me into warp.

Upon arrival in the Halsey system, I immediately detected the B'rel Class
tIHoy. Ordering my escorts to form on me, I set an intercept course. The
tIHoy's shields were down, and it was incapable of defending itself. With no
joy in my heart, I decloaked at close range and blew it apart. Then we
turned our attention to the Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser USS Repulse and
the Akula Class Destroyer USS Valiant. The Repulse immediately turned to
attack, while the Valiant, which had suffered some damage, retreated. We
cloaked, then fell upon the Repulse with great vengeance and furious anger.

(0110.03) KDD IKS qul mIwI' KDD IKS Chuvon KDD IKS Pipeq vs FCA USS Repulse

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:24 24o/d
KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:36 36o/d
KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:18 18o/d
FCA USS Repulse rolls:50 o/50d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
FCA USS Repulse destroyed

By the time we'd destroyed the Repulse, the Valiant had repaired and was
coming to engage us. There was no time to cloak.

(0110.03) KDD IKS qul mIwI' KDD IKS Chuvon KDD IKS Pipeq vs FDD USS Valiant

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:24 o/24d
KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:24 o/24d
KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:24 o/24d
FDD USS Valiant rolls:6 o/6d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
FDD USS Valiant damage: /15

KDD IKS qul mIwI' rolls:30 30o/d
KDD IKS Chuvon rolls:6 6o/d
KDD IKS Pipeq rolls:24 24o/d
FDD USS Valiant rolls:18 o/18d
KDD IKS qul mIwI' damage: /25
KDD IKS Chuvon damage: /25
KDD IKS Pipeq damage: /25
FDD USS Valiant destroyed

After a resounding howl to herald the passage of the tIHoy's crew to
StoVoKor, we cloaked and warped to the Schroeder Drydock to report.

Head to Head Sector Conquest
(Note: The Klingons finally get the upper hand, marching across space,
weakening Federation resistance with every convoy destroyed, and Shipyard
KSY Klinzai is holding off withering random Federation attacks)

Turn 24)
System 5: KCA IKS Korax on station. KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin
on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klug
turn 2? no contact.

Turn 25)
System 5: KCA IKS Korax on station. KCA IKS Chang on station. KCA IKS Klin
on station. KCA IKS Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Klug
turn 3? no contact. KCA IKS Klug complete.

Turn 26)
System 5: KCA IKS Klug KCA IKS Korax KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS Klin KCA IKS
Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Krenn turn 1? no contact.

Turn 27)
System 5: KCA IKS Klug KCA IKS Korax KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS Klin KCA IKS
Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Krenn turn 2? no contact.

Turn 28)
System 5: KCA IKS Klug KCA IKS Korax KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS Klin KCA IKS
Qor'Du on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Krenn turn 3? contact: 5
FCA's *lost toss. (1209.21) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS Klug KCA IKS Korax KCA IKS
Chang KCA IKS Klin KCA IKS Qor'Du vs FCA USS Jamestown FCA USS Roanoke FCA
USS Mayflower FCA USS Boston FCA USS Pennsylvania: KCA IKS Klug KCA IKS Klin
destroyed. FCA USS Jamestown FCA USS Roanoke FCA USS Mayflower FCA USS
Boston FCA USS Pennsylvania captured. KCA IKS Chang joins with captured
ships to form KF3. KCA IKS Korax KCA IKS Qor'Du remain on station.

Turn 29)
System 5: KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS
Boston FCA IKS Pennsylvania KCA IKS Chang) departs for open space. KCA IKS
Korax KCA IKS Qor'Du remain on station. KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS
tIQ'etlh turn 1? Contact: 4 FCA's. *lost turn (1209.21) KSY Klinzai KCA IKS
Korax KCA IKS Qor'Du vs FCA USS Challenger FCA USS Endeavour FCA USS Calgary
FCA USS Quebec: IKS Korax KCA IKS Qor'Du destroyed. FCA USS Challenger FCA
USS Endeavour FCA USS Calgary FCA USS Quebec captured.

Turn 30)
System 5:
KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS tIQ'etlh turn 2? no contact FCA IKS
Challenger FCA IKS Endeavour FCA IKS Calgary FCA IKS Quebec on station.
Open Space: KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS
Boston FCA IKS Pennsylvania KCA IKS Chang) search for convoy? contact:
Fr1-5/1 FCA escort. *lost toss (1209.22) FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke
FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston FCA IKS Pennsylvania KCA IKS Chang vs
Fr1-5/FCA USS Repulse (escort). *lost toss: IKS Pennsylvania destroyed. IKS
Boston damage 9/25. Fr1-5/FCA USS Repulse destroyed. KCA IKS Mayflower KCA
IKS Chang FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke undamaged. Federation random
fleet disadvantage= -1. KF3 remains to repair IKS Boston.

Turn 31)
System 5:
KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS tIQ'etlh turn 3? no contact. KCA IKS
tIQ'etlh complete. FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Endeavour FCA IKS Calgary FCA
IKS Quebec on station. KCA IKS tIQ'etlh moves to open space.
Open Space: KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS
Boston KCA IKS Chang) remains to repair IKS Boston. turn 2? no contact.

Turn 32)
System 5:
KSY Klinzai begin construct KCA IKS Poktarl turn 1? no contact. FCA IKS
Challenger FCA IKS Endeavour FCA IKS Calgary FCA IKS Quebec on station.
Open Space: KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS
Boston KCA IKS Chang) KCA IKS tIQ'etlh arrives, joins KF3.

Turn 33)
System 5:
KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS Poktarl turn 2? contact: 4 FCA's. *lost toss.
(1209.23) KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Endeavour FCA IKS Calgary
FCA IKS Quebec vs FCA USS Horatio FCA USS Nelson FCA USS Victory FCA USS
Halsey: KSY Klinzai FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary undamaged FCA IKS
Quebec FCA IKS Endeavour destroyed FCA USS Horatio FCA USS Nelson FCA USS
Victory FCA USS Halsey destroyed.
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA
IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) departs for System 4.

Turn 34)
System 5:
FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai construct KCA IKS
Poktarl turn 3? no contact. KCA IKS Poktarl complete
System 4:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA
IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in System 4. Contact: 1 FCA *won toss.
(1209.25) FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston
KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh vs FCA USS Constellation: FCA USS
Constellation. KF3 departs for open space.

Turn 35)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA
IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in open space. Search for convoy? no

Turn 36)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai
idle. Random attack? no contact
Open Space:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA
IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in open space. Search for convoy?
Contact: Fr1-5 w/2 FCA escorts, *won toss (1209.25) FCA IKS Jamestown FCA
IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh
vs FCA USS Declaration FCA USS Jefferson, Fr1-5: FCA USS Declaration FCA USS
Jefferson, Fr1-5 destroyed. Klingons undamaged. Federation random fleet
disadvantage= -2. KF3 departs for System 3.

Turn 37)
System 5:
KCA IKS Poktarl FCA IKS Challenger FCA IKS Calgary on station. KSY Klinzai
System 3:
KF3 (FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA IKS Boston KCA
IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh) arrive in System 3. Contact? Contact: 2 FCA's.
*won toss. (1209.25) FCA IKS Jamestown FCA IKS Roanoke FCA IKS Mayflower FCA
IKS Boston KCA IKS Chang KCA IKS tIQ'etlh vs FCA USS Gettysburg FCA USS
Richmond: FCA USS Gettysburg FCA USS Richmond destroyed. Klingons undamaged.

PvP games reported:
(1209.25) PCA AV Sitka vs KCA IKS 'etlh: IKS 'etlh destroyed PVP!
(1209.25) PCA AV Sitka vs KCA IKS 'etlh: Both ships destroyed PVP!

Command College:

"What Are Your Orders, Captain?"

(TMP Era) "Web"
The Starship Defiant was not the only Starfleet vessel to run afoul of the
Tholian Assembly. On stardate 2794.4, the Akula Class Destroyer USS Sparta
was patrolling the Klingon neutral zone when it discovered a ship that
appeared to be stuck in a gravity well. The ship was of Federation design,
roughly similar to the Akula configuration, with a saucer positioned between
two nacelles. That is where the similarities ended. This ship was easily
twice the size of the Sparta, capable, based on projections and
extrapolations from the Sparta's technical specifications, of holding at
least 800 crew. Attempts to discern hull markings for name or registration
were unsuccessful due to the tell-tale visual shimmering effect that has
come to be associated with Tholian interspatial corridors. Life reading
scans showed no definite signs, though they were unable to run detailed
scans due to unusual electromagnetic interference blanketing the area.
Repeated attempts to contact the crew or the ships onboard computer were
unsuccessful. There was little question of what needed to be done.
Mysterious or not, unidentified or not, a Federation starship is a
Federation starship. But with Klingons beginning to close on the area,
Captain Robau knows that this could, in the end, be anything but a routine
rescue/recovery mission.

The Klingons are less than ten minutes away, and register as a D7 Heavy
Cruiser, and a smaller, unidentified profile. In a pure combat sense,
Captain Robau knows that he is outmatched. He also knows that the Klingons
will either destroy the ship, or worse, take it for the technology.

What should be Captain Robau's course of action?

(TMP Era) "Enmeshed"

Captain Robau has no choice but to attempt a rescue, despite the hazard
presented by apparent Tholian activity, as well as the obvious danger of
Klingon attack. He decides to extend scans ahead, to gather whatever
information he can before arriving on the scene. As the Sparta closes to
transporter range, sensors show thousands of microfractures in the hull,
allowing for more detailed internal scans. He is relieved to discover no
life forms aboard, simplifying the task before him.
A detailed scan of the mysterious ship reveals low-level power emanations,
leading from the electro plasma system (EPS) to the tactical systems. Any
residual power left in the matter/antimatter reaction assembly would still
be available to any functioning tactical systems. That might give them a
chance to mount a brief defence against the Klingon attack. Of course, this
would require transporting crew to the ship, which is hazardous for a number
of obvious reasons. Is it worth the risk?

What are your orders, Captain?

Post your solution here for a Command College Point. Feel free to discuss
this with the 'comment' feature

"Captain's Log"

"...dangerous and unpredictable..."

12) An inhabitant of the planet tries to take over your ship.

Class E Geoplastic
Age: 0-2 billion years
Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km
Location: Ecosphere
Surface: Molten, high surface temperature
Atmosphere: Hydrogen compounds and reactive gases
Evolution: Cools to become Class F
Life forms: Carbon-cycle
Example: Excalbia

(TOS Era)
USS Entebbe
Commander Ral'tian
Acting Captain

Dangerous and unpredictable. If I had to sum up our experience on this Class
E world in two words, they would certainly be 'dangerous' and
'unpredictable'. Upon achieving standard orbit of Onianka VI, we received
what can only be described as a psychic 'hail' from a non-corporeal entity
that claimed to be a child of an energy-based, space-going species. As we
executed a detailed scan of the surface in an attempt to pinpoint the
creature's location, it used our sensor beam to locate us in orbit. Seconds
later, it had penetrated the ship through the primary sensor array and
scanned every bit of information in our computer bank. Based on computer
forensics, we determined that it was looking for references to Enterprise
Captain James T Kirk, as well as his logs referring to a planet known as
Gothos. Not only was our captain killed in an attempt to disengage the
computer, but the primary core was wiped out. Once the creature had
completed its search, it left for parts unknown. We were forced to travel to
starbase using one of only two redundant cores, and warn Starfleet of the
apparent threat to Captain Kirk.

for next week. write a 100+ word log entry including the phrase "...contrary
to what we had believed...". Post it in the yahoo group or on the blogsite's
"comment" feature for a Command College Point.

Dev Notes:
The bloody knock down drag out head to head is finally turning inexorably in
the Klingon direction. This has been a fun ride, and I've worked hard to
balance efforts on both sides, working hard for both Empires. But the fact
is that the numbers have turned in the Klingon direction. There were a few
moments that were simply disastrous for the Fed side, and despite some
almost miraculous comeback attempts, they never recovered. They have a
random fleet disadvantage of -2, and the 3rd Klingon Fleet is marching hard.
Capture attempts have been instrumental, and I see some room for tweaking
there. First off, there needs to be some specification for simple combat
boarding party/marine capabilities. And the capturing ship needs to lower
shields, say, for that volley when transporters are engaged, the beaming
ship has 10 points of damage. That's a real vulnerability that needs to be
well-timed while boarding parties are transported. All in the name of
perfecting the multiple levels and aspects of Fantasy Trek. I've completed
my 230th Simple Combat engagement, and my wife and I have completed 4 PvP
simple combat engagements.

The Tholian Simple Combat rules seem to work. Further playtesting is
indicated, but after seven rounds, the existing rules seem okay.

I also have a sketch (that I'm pretty happy with) of the Etlh Class Heavy
Cruiser. I've created a custom STD for that, including balancing the
weaponry on the thing, and I'll be testing it in advanced heavy combat. The
Etlh is roughly equal to the Achilles Class. It is also the January image
for the 2010 Fantasy Trek calendar. That is partly because the budget is not
conducive to buying the 2010 Ships of the Line calendar. It is also another
DIY aspect to Fantasy Trek. February is planned to be a TNG era Constitution
variant, called "Constitution Phase Two", after the planned Trek series
"Star Trek Phase Two".

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